1 #+date: <2017-10-26 13:06:27 +0800>
2 #+filetags: R analysis visualisation births Australia
3 #+title: Fertile summers.
5 In the Northern hemisphere, it's commonly said women prefer to give birth around summer. It would appear
6 this does not hold for Australia. The graph below actually suggests most
7 babies are conceived over the summer months (December to February) down
10 #+CAPTION: seasonal subseries plot Australian births by month 1996-2014
11 #+ATTR_HTML: :class img-fluid :alt seasonal subseries plot Australian births by month 1996-2014
12 [[file:../assets/au-births-seasonal-subseries-plot.png]]
14 In preparing the graph above (a "seasonal subseries plot"), I could not
15 help but notice the spike in the numbers for each month around 2005. It
16 turns out that was real - Australia did experience a temporary increase
17 in its fertility rate. Whether that was thanks to government policy
18 (baby bonus, tax subsidies) or other causes is not known.
20 [[http://git.vanrenterghem.biz/?p=R/project-au-births.git;a=summary][Full
21 R code is on my git server.]] Check it out - there are a few more plots
22 in there already. I might write about these later.