Sending files from Motorola V500 to Familiar Linux iPAQ


The goal of this page is explaining how one can send files from a Bluetooth-capable phone to an iPAQ running Familiar Linux. Sending files to the phone is done with ussp-push apparently, but I haven't tried that yet.


The details

It's rather straightforward really. Only thing to do is:

~ # sdptool add --channel=10 OPUSH
~ # obexserver

Once that's running (you'll need to install openobex and libopenobex from the feed probably), you can simply send a file from your phone and it will end up in /tmp/.

The hard part is finding obexserver, as there doesn't appear to be an .ipk available anywhere. I found a pre-compiled version in an old chat-log. It works for me, but it might be filled with malware for all I know, so I'll try to build it from source sometime.