xs_version) || $template->xs_version !== 5) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'eXtreme Styles mod is not installed. You forgot to upload includes/template.php'); } define('IN_XS', true); include_once('xs_include.' . $phpEx); // check filter $filter = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['filter']) ? stripslashes($HTTP_GET_VARS['filter']) : (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['filter']) ? stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['filter']) : ''); if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['filter_update'])) { $filter_data = array( 'ext' => trim(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['filter_ext'])), 'data' => trim(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['filter_data'])) ); $filter = serialize($filter_data); } else { $filter_data = @unserialize($filter); if(empty($filter_data['ext'])) { $filter_data['ext'] = ''; } if(empty($filter_data['data'])) { $filter_data['data'] = ''; } } $filter_str = '?filter=' . urlencode($filter); $template->assign_block_vars('nav_left',array('ITEM' => '» ' . $lang['xs_edit_templates'] . '')); $editable = array('.htm', '.html', '.tpl', '.css', '.txt', '.cfg', '.xml', '.php', '.htaccess'); // get current directory $current_dir = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['dir']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['dir'] : (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['dir']) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['dir'] : 'templates'); $current_dir = str_replace(array("\\", ".."), array("/", ""), $current_dir); if(defined('DEMO_MODE') && substr($current_dir, 0, 9) !== 'templates') { // limit access to "templates" in demo mode $current_dir = 'templates'; } $dirs = explode('/', $current_dir); for($i=0; $iassign_vars(array( 'FILTER_EXT' => htmlspecialchars($filter_data['ext']), 'FILTER_DATA' => htmlspecialchars($filter_data['data']), 'FILTER_URL' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx), 'FILTER_DIR' => htmlspecialchars($current_dir), 'S_FILTER' => '' )); /* * show edit form */ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['edit']) && !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['restore'])) { $file = stripslashes($HTTP_GET_VARS['edit']); $fullfile = $current_dir_root . $file; $localfile = '../' . $fullfile; $hash = md5($localfile); $backup_name = XS_TEMP_DIR . XS_BACKUP_PREFIX . $hash . '.' . intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['restore']) . XS_BACKUP_EXT; if(@file_exists($backup_name)) { // restore file $HTTP_POST_VARS['edit'] = $HTTP_GET_VARS['edit']; $HTTP_POST_VARS['content'] = addslashes(implode('', @file($backup_name))); unset($HTTP_GET_VARS['edit']); $return_file = str_replace('{URL}', append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file)), $lang['xs_edittpl_back_edit']); $return_url = $return_file . '

' . $return_dir; } } /* * save modified file */ if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['edit']) && !defined('DEMO_MODE')) { $file = stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['edit']); $content = stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['content']); $fullfile = $current_dir_root . $file; $localfile = '../' . $fullfile; if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['trim'])) { $content = trim($content); } if(!empty($HTTP_POST_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']) && @file_exists($HTTP_POST_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'])) { $content = @implode('', @file($HTTP_POST_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'])); } $params = array( 'edit' => $file, 'dir' => $current_dir, 'content' => $content, 'filter' => $filter, ); $return_file = str_replace('{URL}', append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file)), $lang['xs_edittpl_back_edit']); $return_url = $return_file . '

' . $return_dir; // get ftp configuration $write_local = false; if(!get_ftp_config(append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx), $params, true)) { xs_exit(); } xs_ftp_connect(append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx), $params, true); if($ftp === XS_FTP_LOCAL) { $write_local = true; $local_filename = $localfile; } else { $local_filename = XS_TEMP_DIR . 'edit_' . time() . '.tmp'; } $f = @fopen($local_filename, 'wb'); if(!$f) { xs_error($lang['xs_error_cannot_open'] . '

' . $return_url); } fwrite($f, $content); fclose($f); if($write_local) { xs_message($lang['Information'], $lang['xs_edit_file_saved'] . '

' . $return_url); } // generate ftp actions $actions = array(); // chdir to template directory for($i=0; $i 'chdir', 'dir' => $dirs[$i] ); } $actions[] = array( 'command' => 'upload', 'local' => $local_filename, 'remote' => $fullfile ); $ftp_log = array(); $ftp_error = ''; $res = ftp_myexec($actions); echo ""; @unlink($local_filename); if($res) { xs_message($lang['Information'], $lang['xs_edit_file_saved'] . '

' . $return_url); } xs_error($ftp_error . '

' . $return_url); } /* * show edit form */ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['edit'])) { $file = stripslashes($HTTP_GET_VARS['edit']); $fullfile = $current_dir_root . $file; $localfile = '../' . $fullfile; $hash = md5($localfile); if(!@file_exists($localfile)) { xs_error($lang['xs_edit_not_found'] . '

' . $return_url); } if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['download']) && !defined('DEMO_MODE')) { $content = implode('', @file($localfile)); xs_download_file($file, $content); xs_exit(); } if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['downloadbackup']) && !defined('DEMO_MODE')) { $backup_name = XS_TEMP_DIR . XS_BACKUP_PREFIX . $hash . '.' . intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['downloadbackup']) . XS_BACKUP_EXT; xs_download_file($file, implode('', @file($backup_name))); xs_exit(); } $return_file = str_replace('{URL}', append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file)), $lang['xs_edittpl_back_edit']); $return_url = $return_file . '

' . $return_dir; $template->assign_vars(array( 'U_ACTION' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx), 'U_BROWSE' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($current_dir)), 'U_EDIT' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file)), 'U_BACKUP' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dobackup=1&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file)), 'U_DOWNLOAD' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&download=1&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file)), 'CURRENT_DIR' => htmlspecialchars($current_dir_full), 'DIR' => htmlspecialchars($current_dir), 'FILE' => htmlspecialchars($file), 'FULLFILE' => htmlspecialchars($fullfile), 'CONTENT' => defined('DEMO_MODE') ? 'you cannot edit file in demo mode' : htmlspecialchars(implode('', @file($localfile))), ) ); if($current_dir_full) { $template->assign_block_vars('nav_left',array('ITEM' => '» ' . htmlspecialchars($current_dir_full) . '')); } // show tree $arr = array(); $template->assign_block_vars('tree', array( 'ITEM' => 'phpBB', 'URL' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='), 'SEPARATOR' => '', )); $back_dir = ''; for($i=0; $i ($i + 1)) { $back_dir = $str; } $template->assign_block_vars('tree', array( 'ITEM' => htmlspecialchars($dirs[$i]), 'URL' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($str)), 'SEPARATOR' => '/', )); } // view backup if(!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['viewbackup']) && !defined('DEMO_MODE')) { $backup_name = XS_TEMP_DIR . XS_BACKUP_PREFIX . $hash . '.' . intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['viewbackup']) . XS_BACKUP_EXT; $template->assign_vars(array( 'CONTENT' => implode('', @file($backup_name)) ) ); } // save backup if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['dobackup']) && !defined('DEMO_MODE')) { $backup_name = XS_TEMP_DIR . XS_BACKUP_PREFIX . $hash . '.' . time() . XS_BACKUP_EXT; $str = @implode('', @file($localfile)); $f = @fopen($backup_name, 'wb'); if(!$f) { xs_error(str_replace('{FILE}', $backup_name, $lang['xs_error_cannot_create_tmp']) . '

' . $return_url); } fwrite($f, $str); fclose($f); @chmod($backup_name, 0777); } // delete backup if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['delbackup']) && !defined('DEMO_MODE')) { $backup_name = XS_TEMP_DIR . XS_BACKUP_PREFIX . $hash . '.' . intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['delbackup']) . XS_BACKUP_EXT; @unlink($backup_name); } // show backups $backups = array(); $res = opendir(XS_TEMP_DIR); $match = XS_BACKUP_PREFIX . $hash . '.'; $match_len = strlen($match); while(($f = readdir($res)) !== false) { if(substr($f, 0, $match_len) === $match) { $str = substr($f, $match_len, strlen($f) - $match_len - strlen(XS_BACKUP_EXT)); if(intval($str)) { $backups[] = intval($str); } } } closedir($res); sort($backups); for($i=0; $iassign_block_vars('backup', array( 'TIME' => create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $backups[$i], $board_config['board_timezone']), 'U_RESTORE' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file).'&restore='.$backups[$i]), 'U_DELETE' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file).'&delbackup='.$backups[$i]), 'U_DOWNLOAD' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file).'&downloadbackup='.$backups[$i]), 'U_VIEW' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file).'&viewbackup='.$backups[$i]), ) ); } // show template $template->set_filenames(array('body' => XS_TPL_PATH . 'edit_file.tpl')); $template->pparse('body'); xs_exit(); } /* * show file browser */ // show tree $arr = array(); $template->assign_block_vars('tree', array( 'ITEM' => 'phpBB', 'URL' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='), 'SEPARATOR' => '', )); $back_dir = ''; for($i=0; $i ($i + 1)) { $back_dir = $str; } $template->assign_block_vars('tree', array( 'ITEM' => htmlspecialchars($dirs[$i]), 'URL' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($str)), 'SEPARATOR' => '/', )); } // get list of files/directories $list_files = array(); // non-editable files $list_files_editable = array(); // editable files $list_dirs = array(); // directories $res = @opendir('../' . $current_dir_full); if(!$res) { xs_error(str_replace('{DIR}', $current_dir_full, $lang['xs_export_no_open_dir']) . '

' . $return_url_root); } while(($file = readdir($res)) !== false) { if($file !== '.' && $file !== '..') { $filename = '../' . ($current_dir_full ? $current_dir_full . '/' : '') . $file; if(is_dir($filename)) { $list_dirs[] = $file; } else { $pos = strrpos($file, '.'); if($pos !== false) { $ext = strtolower(substr($file, $pos)); $ext1 = substr($ext, 1); if((!$filter_data['ext'] && xs_in_array($ext, $editable)) || $ext1 === $filter_data['ext']) { // check filter if($filter_data['data']) { $content = @implode('', @file($filename)); if(strpos($content, $filter_data['data']) !== false) { $list_files_editable[] = $file; } } else { $list_files_editable[] = $file; } } else { $list_files[] = $file; } } } } } closedir($res); $list_dirs_count = count($list_dirs); $list_files_count = count($list_files) + count($list_files_editable); if($current_dir || count($list_dirs)) { $template->assign_block_vars('begin_dirs', array( 'COUNT' => count($list_dirs), 'L_COUNT' => str_replace('{COUNT}', count($list_dirs), $lang['xs_fileman_dircount']) )); } else { $template->assign_block_vars('begin_nodirs', array()); } if($current_dir) { $template->assign_block_vars('begin_dirs.dir', array( 'NAME' => '..', 'FULLNAME' => htmlspecialchars($back_dir ? $back_dir . '/' : ''), 'URL' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($back_dir)), ) ); } // show subdirectories sort($list_dirs); for($i=0; $iassign_block_vars('begin_dirs.dir', array( 'NAME' => htmlspecialchars($dir), 'FULLNAME' => htmlspecialchars($current_dir_root . $dir), 'URL' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($str)), ) ); } // show editable files if(count($list_files_editable)) { $template->assign_block_vars('begin_files', array('COUNT' => count($list_files_editable))); } else { $template->assign_block_vars('begin_nofiles', array('COUNT' => count($list_files_editable))); } sort($list_files_editable); // get today start $today = floor((time() + 3600 * $board_config['board_timezone']) / 86400) * 86400 - (3600 * $board_config['board_timezone']); for($i=0; $iassign_block_vars('begin_files.file', array( 'ROW_CLASS' => $row_class, 'NAME' => htmlspecialchars($file), 'FULLNAME' => htmlspecialchars($fullfile), 'SIZE' => @filesize($localfile), 'TIME' => $filetime, 'URL' => append_sid('xs_edit.'.$phpEx.$filter_str.'&dir='.urlencode($current_dir).'&edit='.urlencode($file)) ) ); if($t < $today) { $template->assign_block_vars('begin_files.file.old', array()); } else { $template->assign_block_vars('begin_files.file.today', array()); } } $template->set_filenames(array('body' => XS_TPL_PATH . 'edit.tpl')); $template->pparse('body'); xs_exit(); ?>