xs_version) || $template->xs_version !== 8) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, isset($lang['xs_error_not_installed']) ? $lang['xs_error_not_installed'] : 'eXtreme Styles mod is not installed. You forgot to upload includes/template.php'); } define('IN_XS', true); include_once('xs_include.' . $phpEx); $template->assign_block_vars('nav_left',array('ITEM' => '» ' . $lang['xs_uninstall_styles'] . '')); $lang['xs_uninstall_back'] = str_replace('{URL}', append_sid('xs_uninstall.'.$phpEx), $lang['xs_uninstall_back']); $lang['xs_goto_default'] = str_replace('{URL}', append_sid('xs_styles.'.$phpEx), $lang['xs_goto_default']); // // uninstall style // if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['remove']) && !defined('DEMO_MODE')) { $remove_id = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['remove']); if($board_config['default_style'] == $remove_id) { xs_error(str_replace('{URL}', append_sid('xs_styles.'.$phpEx), $lang['xs_uninstall_default']) . '

' . $lang['xs_uninstall_back']); } $sql = "SELECT themes_id, template_name, style_name FROM " . THEMES_TABLE . " WHERE themes_id='{$remove_id}'"; if(!$result = $db->sql_query($sql)) { xs_error($lang['xs_no_style_info'] . '

' . $lang['xs_uninstall_back'], __LINE__, __FILE__); } $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); if(empty($row['themes_id'])) { xs_error($lang['xs_no_style_info'] . '

' . $lang['xs_uninstall_back'], __LINE__, __FILE__); } $sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . " SET user_style=NULL WHERE user_style='{$remove_id}'"; $db->sql_query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . THEMES_TABLE . " WHERE themes_id='{$remove_id}'"; $db->sql_query($sql); $template->assign_block_vars('removed', array()); // remove files if(!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['dir'])) { $HTTP_POST_VARS['remove'] = addslashes($row['template_name']); } // remove config if(empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['nocfg']) && isset($board_config['xs_style_'.$row['template_name']])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . CONFIG_TABLE . " WHERE config_name='" . addslashes("xs_style_{$row['template_name']}") . "'"; $db->sql_query($sql); $template->assign_block_vars('left_refresh', array( 'ACTION' => append_sid('index.' . $phpEx . '?pane=left') )); // recache config table for cat_hierarchy 2.1.0 if(isset($GLOBALS['config']) && is_object($GLOBALS['config'])) { global $config; $config->read(true); } } // recache themes table if(defined('XS_MODS_CATEGORY_HIERARCHY210')) { if ( empty($themes) ) { $themes = new themes(); } if ( !empty($themes) ) { $themes->read(true); } } } function remove_all($dir) { $res = opendir($dir); if(!$res) { return false; } while(($file = readdir($res)) !== false) { if($file !== '.' && $file !== '..') { $str = $dir . '/' . $file; if(is_dir($str)) { remove_all($str); @rmdir($str); } else { @unlink($str); } } } closedir($res); } // // remove files // if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['remove']) && !defined('DEMO_MODE')) { $remove = stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['remove']); $params = array('remove' => $remove); if(!get_ftp_config(append_sid('xs_uninstall.'.$phpEx), $params, true)) { xs_exit(); } xs_ftp_connect(append_sid('xs_uninstall.'.$phpEx), $params, true); $write_local = false; if($ftp === XS_FTP_LOCAL) { $write_local = true; $write_local_dir = '../templates/'; } if(!$write_local) { // // Generate actions list // $actions = array(); // chdir to templates directory $actions[] = array( 'command' => 'chdir', 'dir' => 'templates' ); // chdir to template $actions[] = array( 'command' => 'chdir', 'dir' => $remove ); // remove all files $actions[] = array( 'command' => 'removeall', 'ignore' => true ); $actions[] = array( 'command' => 'cdup' ); $actions[] = array( 'command' => 'rmdir', 'dir' => $remove ); $ftp_log = array(); $ftp_error = ''; $res = ftp_myexec($actions); /* echo ""; */ } else { remove_all('../templates/'.$remove); @rmdir('../templates/'.$remove); } $template->assign_block_vars('removed', array()); } // // get list of installed styles // $sql = 'SELECT themes_id, template_name, style_name FROM ' . THEMES_TABLE . ' ORDER BY template_name, style_name'; if(!$result = $db->sql_query($sql)) { xs_error($lang['xs_no_style_info'], __LINE__, __FILE__); } $style_rowset = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result); $tpl = array(); for($i=0; $i $styles) { $row_class = $xs_row_class[$j % 2]; $j++; $template->assign_block_vars('styles', array( 'ROW_CLASS' => $row_class, 'TPL' => htmlspecialchars($tpl), 'ROWS' => count($styles), ) ); if(count($styles) > 1) { for($i=0; $iassign_block_vars('styles.item', array( 'ID' => $styles[$i]['themes_id'], 'THEME' => htmlspecialchars($styles[$i]['style_name']), 'U_DELETE' => append_sid('xs_uninstall.'.$phpEx.'?remove='.$styles[$i]['themes_id'].'&nocfg=1'), ) ); $template->assign_block_vars('styles.item.nodelete', array()); } } else { $i = 0; $template->assign_block_vars('styles.item', array( 'ID' => $styles[$i]['themes_id'], 'THEME' => htmlspecialchars($styles[$i]['style_name']), 'U_DELETE' => append_sid('xs_uninstall.'.$phpEx.'?remove='.$styles[$i]['themes_id']), ) ); $template->assign_block_vars('styles.item.delete', array( 'U_DELETE' => append_sid('xs_uninstall.'.$phpEx.'?dir=1&remove='.$styles[$i]['themes_id']), ) ); } } $template->set_filenames(array('body' => XS_TPL_PATH . 'uninstall.tpl')); $template->pparse('body'); xs_exit(); ?>