' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } if($header['filesize'] != filesize($file)) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_error($lang['xs_style_header_error_incomplete'] . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } $f = @fopen($file, 'rb'); if(!$f) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_error($lang['xs_error_cannot_open'] . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } if($write_local) { $write_local_dir .= $header['template'] . '/'; } fseek($f, $header['offset'], 0); $str = fread($f, filesize($file) - $header['offset']); fclose($f); $str = @gzuncompress($str); if($str === false || !strlen($str)) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_error($lang['xs_error_decompress_style'] . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } // // unpack tar file // $pos = 0; $tmp_name = XS_TEMP_DIR . 'file_' . $filename . '_%02d.tmp'; $tmp_count = 0; $files = array(); // complete list of files $list_data = array(); // result for list $dirs = array(); // complete list of directories $items = array(); // data while($pos < strlen($str)) { $data = unpack(TAR_HEADER_UNPACK, substr($str, $pos, 512)); $pos += 512; $data['filename'] = trim($data['prefix']) . trim($data['filename']); if(substr($data['filename'], 0, 2) === './') { $data['filename'] = substr($data['filename'], 2); } if($write_local) { $save_filename = $write_local_dir . $data['filename']; } else { $pos1 = strrpos($data['filename'], '/'); if($pos1) { $data['dir'] = substr($data['filename'], 0, $pos1); $data['file'] = substr($data['filename'], $pos1 + 1); } else { $data['dir'] = ''; $data['file'] = $data['filename']; } } $data['size'] = octdec(trim($data['size'])); $data['mtime'] = octdec(trim($data['mtime'])); $data['typeflag'] = octdec(trim($data['typeflag'])); if($data['typeflag'] === '5') { $data['size'] = 0; if($write_local) { xs_create_dir($save_filename); } } $data['offset'] = $pos; $contents = $data['size'] > 0 ? substr($str, $pos, $data['size']) : ''; $data['tmp'] = ''; // adding to list $is_file = true; if(intval($data['typeflag']) == 5) { $is_file = false; if($data['filename']) { $dirs[] = $data['filename']; } } else { if($data['filename']) { if(!$list_only) { if($write_local) { $res = xs_write_file($save_filename, $contents); if(!$res) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_error(str_replace('{FILE}', $save_filename, $lang['xs_error_cannot_create_file']) . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } } else { // write to temporary file $tmp_count ++; $data['tmp'] = sprintf($tmp_name, $tmp_count); $f = @fopen($data['tmp'], 'wb'); if(!$f) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_error(str_replace('{FILE}', $data['tmp'], $lang['xs_error_cannot_create_tmp']) . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } fwrite($f, $contents); fclose($f); } } elseif(!empty($get_file) && $get_file === $data['filename']) { // show contents of file $f = $data['filename']; $ext = strtolower(substr($f, strlen($f) - 4)); if(empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['get_content']) && xs_in_array($ext, $text_types)) { // show as text $str = '
' . $lang['xs_import_list_contents'] . $f . ' [' . $lang['xs_import_download_lc'] . ']

'; $str .= ''; $str .= '
'; xs_message($lang['Information'], $str); } else { $do_download = false; $content_type = ''; if(empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['get_content'])) { if($ext === '.gif') { $content_type = 'image/gif'; } elseif($ext === '.jpg' || $ext === '.jpe' || $ext === 'jpeg') { $content_type = 'image/jpeg'; } elseif($ext === '.png') { $content_type = 'image/png'; } else { $do_download = true; } } else { $do_download = true; } xs_download_file($do_download ? basename($f) : '', $contents, $content_type); xs_exit(); } } else { $list_data[$data['filename']] = $data; } $files[] = $data['filename']; } } if(empty($data['filename']) && $is_file) { $pos = strlen($str); } else { $pos += floor(($data['size'] + 511) / 512) * 512; if($is_file) { $items[] = $data; } } } if($list_only) { // show list of files. used for debug. $str = '
'; // main data $str .= $lang['xs_import_list_filename'] . $header['filename'] . '
'; $str .= $lang['xs_import_list_template'] . $header['template'] . '
'; $str .= $lang['xs_import_list_comment'] . $header['comment'] . '
'; $str .= $lang['xs_import_list_styles'] . implode(', ', $header['styles']) . '
'; ksort($list_data); $str .= '
' . str_replace('{NUM}', count($list_data), $lang['xs_import_list_files']) . '
'; $str .= ''; foreach($list_data as $var => $value) { $str .= ''; } $str .= '
' . htmlspecialchars($value['filename']) . ''; if($value['size'] > 0) { $ext = strtolower(substr($var, strlen($var) - 4)); if(xs_in_array($ext, $text_types) || xs_in_array($ext, $img_types)) { $str .= '[' . $lang['xs_import_view_lc'] . '] '; } $str .= '[' . $lang['xs_import_download_lc'] . '] '; } $str .= str_replace('{NUM}', $value['size'], $lang['xs_import_file_size']) . '
'; $str .= '
'; xs_message($lang['Information'], $str); } $str = ''; if(!$write_local) { // // Generate actions list // $actions = array(); // chdir to template directory $actions[] = array( 'command' => 'chdir', 'dir' => 'templates' ); // create directory with template name $actions[] = array( 'command' => 'mkdir', 'dir' => $header['template'], 'ignore' => true ); // change directory $actions[] = array( 'command' => 'chdir', 'dir' => $header['template'] ); // create all directories and upload all files $actions[] = array( 'command' => 'exec', 'list' => generate_actions_dirs() ); $ftp_log = array(); $ftp_error = ''; $res = ftp_myexec($actions); /* echo ""; */ // remove temporary files for($i=0; $i
' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } } // // Check if we need to install style // $total = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['total']); $default = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['import_default']) && strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['import_default']) ? intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['import_default']) : -1; $install = array(); $default_name = ''; for($i=0; $i<$total; $i++) { $tmp = empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['import_install_'.$i]) ? 0 : 1; if($tmp) { $set_default = $default == $i ? 1 : 0; $tmp_name = $header['styles'][$i]; if($tmp_name) { $install[] = $tmp_name; if($set_default) { $default_name = $tmp_name; } } } } if(!count($install)) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_message($lang['Information'], $lang['xs_import_uploaded'] . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } // // Get list of installed styles // $tpl = $header['template']; $sql = "SELECT themes_id, style_name FROM " . THEMES_TABLE . " WHERE template_name='" . xs_sql($tpl) . "'"; if(!$result = $db->sql_query($sql)) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_error($lang['xs_import_notinstall'] . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } $style_rowset = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result); // run theme_info.cfg $data = xs_get_themeinfo($tpl); if(!@count($data)) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_error($lang['xs_import_notinstall2'] . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } // install styles $default_id = 0; for($i=0; $i
' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } if($installed) { // update $sql = ''; foreach($style_data as $var => $value) { if($sql) { $sql .= ', '; } $sql .= xs_sql($var) . " = '" . xs_sql($value) . "'"; } $sql = "UPDATE " . THEMES_TABLE . " SET " . $sql . " WHERE themes_id = '{$installed}'"; } else { // install $sql = "SELECT MAX(themes_id) AS total FROM " . THEMES_TABLE; if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_error($lang['xs_import_notinstall4'] . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } if ( !($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) ) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_error($lang['xs_import_notinstall4'] . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } $installed = $row['total'] + 1; $style_data['themes_id'] = $installed; $sql1 = $sql2 = ''; foreach($style_data as $var => $value) { if($sql1) { $sql1 .= ', '; $sql2 .= ', '; } $sql1 .= xs_sql($var); $sql2 .= "'" . xs_sql($value) . "'"; } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . THEMES_TABLE . " (" . $sql1 . ") VALUES (" . $sql2 . ")"; } if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } xs_error($lang['xs_import_notinstall5'] . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); } if($default_name === $style_name) { $sql = "UPDATE " . CONFIG_TABLE . " SET config_value='{$installed}' WHERE config_name='default_style'"; $board_config['default_style'] = $installed; $db->sql_query($sql); } } if(defined('XS_CLONING')) { @unlink($tmp_filename); } if(count($install) && defined('XS_MODS_CATEGORY_HIERARCHY210')) { // recache themes table if ( empty($themes) ) { $themes = new themes(); } if ( !empty($themes) ) { $themes->read(true); } } if(count($install) && defined('XS_MODS_CATEGORY_HIERARCHY')) { cache_themes(); } xs_message($lang['Information'], $lang['xs_import_installed'] . '

' . $lang['xs_import_back']); ?>