Purpose: This script was written to create the lowerleft quarter circle of the main navigation bar on the site. It should be no surprise I wrote 3 more scripts generate the 3 other circle parts. I chose scripting these pictures over drawing them manually out of consciousness of my own lack of drawing skills.
Requirements: The GNU Image Manipulation Program, aka the GIMP and Perl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Gimp qw( :auto ); use Gimp::Fu; #Gimp::set_trace(TRACE_CALL); sub website_quarter_circle_ll { my $width=8; my $height=$width; my ($image,$layer); my $circle_color = [187,221,255]; my $webpage_color = [255,255,255]; gimp_palette_set_background($circle_color); $image = gimp_image_new($width, $height, RGB); $layer = gimp_layer_new($image, $width, $height, RGBA_IMAGE, "Button", 100, NORMAL_MODE); gimp_image_add_layer($image, $layer, 0); gimp_edit_clear($layer); gimp_ellipse_select($image,-0*$height, -1*$width, $width*2, $height*2, 0, 1, 0, 0.5); gimp_bucket_fill($layer, BG_BUCKET_FILL, NORMAL_MODE, 100, 0, 0, 5, 5); gimp_selection_invert($image); gimp_palette_set_background($webpage_color); gimp_bucket_fill($layer, BG_BUCKET_FILL, NORMAL_MODE, 100, 0, 0, 5, 5); gimp_selection_none($image); gimp_convert_indexed($image, 0, 0, 8,0,0, ""); return $image; } register "website_quarter_circle_ll", # fill in name "Create Website Toolbar lowerleft corner button", # a small description "A script to create a quarter circle in Gimp", # a help text "Frederik Vanrenterghem", # Your name "", # Your copyright "2002-10-21", # Date "<Toolbox>/Xtns/Perl-Fu/Website/CreateQuarterCircleLL", # menu path "*", # Image types [ ], \&website_quarter_circle_ll; exit main() |