1 Installation Instructions:
3 This is Version 2.2.1 of the eXtreme Styles mod.
5 For Installation Instructions, please read install.txt.
7 Warning: if you are updating from version 1.19 or older then you MUST delete old mod files in directory "admin"
11 Some Informations on the contrib and scripts directory.
13 For Informations what is placed into the contrib directory, please read: contrib/readme.txt
17 For latest version of mod check out http://www.phpbbstyles.com
18 For documentation for this mod check out http://www.phpbbstyles.com/viewforum.php?f=6
20 Included translations for admin control panel:
27 Upload contents of directory "root" including all subdirectories to your forum.
28 When uploading files overwrite existing includes/template.php
29 Then CHMOD directory "cache" to 777 to make it writable.