;;; Commentary:
-;; - listen & submit metadata to ListenBrainz
-;; - partial & incomplete
-;; - no error checks
-;; - sync -> async
+;; An interface to ListenBrainz, a project to store a record of the music that
+;; you listen to. The listening data, can be used to provide statistics,
+;; recommendations and general exploration.
+;; The package can be used programmatically (e.g. from a music player) to auto
+;; submit listening data `listenbrainz-submit-listen'. There are other entrypoints
+;; for reading user stats such as `listenbrainz-stats-artists' or
+;; `listenbrainz-listens'.
+;; Some API calls require a user token, which can be found in your ListenBrainz
+;; profile. Configure, set or `customize' the `listenbrainz-api-token' as needed.
+;; https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/
;;; Code:
;;;; ; ;; ;
(defmacro listenbrainz--deformatter (name format-string format-args alist)
"Generate function with NAME to format data returned from an API call.
The function has the name `listenbrainz--format-NAME`.
;;; ; ;; ; ; ;
(defun listenbrainz-validate-token (token)
"Check if TOKEN is valid. Return a username or nil."
(message "listenbrainz: checking token %s" token)