From 437f44f537a12c60bd0aa083540332e6874377bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ""
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use 5.16.1;
+use warnings;
+use XML::Simple;
+use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
+use HTML::WikiConverter;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Try::Tiny;
+use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
+die "usage: $0 import_file subdir [branch] | git-fast-import"
+ unless @ARGV == 2 or @ARGV == 3;
+chomp(my $name = qx(git config --get;
+chomp(my $email = qx(git config --get;
+my ($file, $subdir, $branch) = @ARGV;
+my %events;
+for my $x (grep $_->{'wp:status'} eq 'publish', @{XMLin($file)->{channel}{item}}) {
+ state $date_parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
+ pattern => '%F %T',
+ time_zone => 'UTC',
+ );
+ my $stub = $x =~ m<([^/]+)\/$>
+ ? $1
+ : lc($x->{title} =~ s/\W/-/gr =~ s/-$//r)
+ ;
+ my $guid = $x->{guid}{content} || $x->{link};
+ utf8::encode($x->{title});
+ my $msg = qq($x->{title}\n\nfrom WordPress [$guid]);
+ my $timestamp = $date_parser
+ ->parse_datetime($x->{'wp:post_date_gmt'})
+ ->epoch;
+ my $c = $x->{category};
+ $c = [$c] if ref $c && ref $c ne 'ARRAY';
+ my $content =
+ sprintf(qq([[!meta title="%s"]]\n), $x->{title} =~ s/"/\\"/gr) .
+ convert_content($x->{'content:encoded'}) . "\n\n" .
+ join("\n",
+ map '[[!tag ' . s/ /-/r . ']]',
+ keys %{
+ +{
+ map { $_ => 1 }
+ grep $_ ne 'uncategorized',
+ map $_->{nicename},
+ @$c
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ $events{$timestamp} = join "\n",
+ "commit refs/heads/$branch",
+ "committer $name <$email> $timestamp +0000",
+ 'data <<8675309',
+ $msg,
+ '8675309',
+ "M 644 inline $subdir/$stub.mdwn",
+ 'data <<8675309',
+ $content,
+ '8675309'
+ ;
+ get_comments($x->{link}, "$subdir/$stub")
+ if $x->{'wp:post_type'} eq 'post'
+sub get_comments {
+ my ($url, $dir) = @_;
+ state $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ my $content = $ua->get("$url/feed")->decoded_content;
+ my $first;
+ my $bail;
+ my $decoded =
+ try { XMLin($content, ForceArray => ['item']) }
+ catch { $bail = 1 };
+ return if $bail;
+ for my $x (@{$decoded->{channel}{item}}) {
+ my $date = $x->{pubDate};
+ $date =~ s/^\S+\s//;
+ $date =~ s/\s\S+$//;
+ #ghetto
+ $date =~ s/Jan/01/;
+ $date =~ s/Feb/02/;
+ $date =~ s/Mar/03/;
+ $date =~ s/Apr/04/;
+ $date =~ s/May/05/;
+ $date =~ s/Jun/06/;
+ $date =~ s/Jul/07/;
+ $date =~ s/Aug/08/;
+ $date =~ s/Sep/09/;
+ $date =~ s/Oct/10/;
+ $date =~ s/Nov/11/;
+ $date =~ s/Dec/12/;
+ state $date_parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
+ pattern => '%d %m %Y %T',
+ time_zone => 'UTC',
+ );
+ my $datetime = $date_parser
+ ->parse_datetime($date);
+ my $timestamp = $datetime->epoch;
+ my $formatted_date = "$timestamp";
+ my $msg = 'Added a comment';
+ my $content = convert_content($x->{'content:encoded'});
+ utf8::encode($x->{'dc:creator'});
+ $events{$timestamp} = join "\n",
+ "commit refs/heads/$branch",
+ # still need to get email address
+ "committer $x->{'dc:creator'} <$x->{'dc:creator'}> $timestamp +0000",
+ 'data <<8675309',
+ $msg,
+ '8675309',
+ "M 644 inline " . unique_comment_location($dir, $content),
+ 'data <<8675309',
+ <<"COMMENT",
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="$x->{'dc:creator'}"
+ date="$formatted_date"
+ content="""
+ '8675309'
+ ;
+ }
+say $events{$_} for sort keys %events;
+sub convert_content {
+ my $body = shift;
+ utf8::encode($body);
+ state $converter = HTML::WikiConverter->new(
+ dialect => 'Markdown',
+ link_style => 'inline',
+ unordered_list_style => 'dash',
+ image_style => 'inline',
+ image_tag_fallback => 0,
+ );
+ # I know I know you can't parse XML with regular expressions. Go find a real
+ # parser and send me a patch
+ my $in_code = 0;
+ my $start_code = qr(
+ # (?:) is a no op but keeps ikiwiki from breaking my script
+ my $end_code = qr(
+ $body =~ s()(
+ my @tokens =
+ map {; split qr[(?=)] }
+ map {; split qr[
\K] }
+ split /\n\n/,
+ $body;
+ my @new_tokens;
+ for my $t (@tokens) {
+ if (
+ ($in_code && $t !~ $end_code) ||
+ ($t =~ $start_code && $t =~ $end_code)
+ ) {
+ # do nothing
+ } elsif ($t =~ $start_code) {
+ $in_code = 1;
+ } elsif ($t =~ $end_code) {
+ $in_code = 0;
+ } else {
+ die "$t !!! '$1'" if $t =~ m/&([^;\s]+);/ && $1 !~ /[lg]t/;
+ $t = "$t
+ }
+ push @new_tokens, $t
+ }
+ $converter->html2wiki(join "\n\n", @new_tokens)
+sub unique_comment_location {
+ my ($dir, $content) = @_;
+ utf8::encode($content);
+ my $md5 = md5_hex($content);
+ my $location;
+ my $i = 0;
+ do {
+ $i++;
+ $location = "$dir/comment_${i}_$md5._comment";
+ } while -e $location;
+ return $location
I modified the script a bit so categories and tags would actually show up in the output file.