From 437f44f537a12c60bd0aa083540332e6874377bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "" Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2013 10:36:17 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Add more complete perl version --- .../ikiwiki-wordpress-import.mdwn | 235 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 235 insertions(+) diff --git a/doc/tips/importing_posts_from_wordpress/ikiwiki-wordpress-import.mdwn b/doc/tips/importing_posts_from_wordpress/ikiwiki-wordpress-import.mdwn index 0c0527f2c..ad8f24a8f 100644 --- a/doc/tips/importing_posts_from_wordpress/ikiwiki-wordpress-import.mdwn +++ b/doc/tips/importing_posts_from_wordpress/ikiwiki-wordpress-import.mdwn @@ -1,5 +1,240 @@ [[!meta title="ikiwiki-wordpress-import"]] +I converted the script to Perl. The new version gets your name and email automatically from your git config, converts the body of your posts to markdown, and also imports comments. More importantly it works with the latest wordpress, which the python version does not. Note that it's still not 100% perfect and I intend to make a few modifications still, but they will require access to the mysql database and that may render the script useless to some users. + +----- +
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use 5.16.1;
+use warnings;
+use XML::Simple;
+use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
+use HTML::WikiConverter;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Try::Tiny;
+use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
+die "usage: $0 import_file subdir [branch] | git-fast-import"
+   unless @ARGV == 2 or @ARGV == 3;
+chomp(my $name = qx(git config --get;
+chomp(my $email = qx(git config --get;
+my ($file, $subdir, $branch) = @ARGV;
+my %events;
+for my $x (grep $_->{'wp:status'} eq 'publish', @{XMLin($file)->{channel}{item}}) {
+   state $date_parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
+      pattern => '%F %T',
+      time_zone => 'UTC',
+   );
+   my $stub = $x =~ m<([^/]+)\/$>
+      ? $1
+      : lc($x->{title} =~ s/\W/-/gr =~ s/-$//r)
+   ;
+   my $guid = $x->{guid}{content} || $x->{link};
+   utf8::encode($x->{title});
+   my $msg = qq($x->{title}\n\nfrom WordPress [$guid]);
+   my $timestamp = $date_parser
+      ->parse_datetime($x->{'wp:post_date_gmt'})
+      ->epoch;
+   my $c = $x->{category};
+   $c = [$c] if ref $c && ref $c ne 'ARRAY';
+   my $content =
+      sprintf(qq([[!meta title="%s"]]\n), $x->{title} =~ s/"/\\"/gr) .
+      convert_content($x->{'content:encoded'}) . "\n\n" .
+      join("\n",
+         map '[[!tag ' . s/ /-/r . ']]',
+         keys %{
+            +{
+               map { $_ => 1 }
+               grep $_ ne 'uncategorized',
+               map $_->{nicename},
+               @$c
+            }
+         }
+      );
+   $events{$timestamp} = join "\n",
+      "commit refs/heads/$branch",
+      "committer $name <$email> $timestamp +0000",
+      'data <<8675309',
+      $msg,
+      '8675309',
+      "M 644 inline $subdir/$stub.mdwn",
+      'data <<8675309',
+      $content,
+      '8675309'
+   ;
+   get_comments($x->{link}, "$subdir/$stub")
+      if $x->{'wp:post_type'} eq 'post'
+sub get_comments {
+   my ($url, $dir) = @_;
+   state $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+   my $content = $ua->get("$url/feed")->decoded_content;
+   my $first;
+   my $bail;
+   my $decoded =
+      try { XMLin($content, ForceArray => ['item']) }
+      catch { $bail = 1 };
+   return if $bail;
+   for my $x (@{$decoded->{channel}{item}}) {
+      my $date = $x->{pubDate};
+      $date =~ s/^\S+\s//;
+      $date =~ s/\s\S+$//;
+      #ghetto
+      $date =~ s/Jan/01/;
+      $date =~ s/Feb/02/;
+      $date =~ s/Mar/03/;
+      $date =~ s/Apr/04/;
+      $date =~ s/May/05/;
+      $date =~ s/Jun/06/;
+      $date =~ s/Jul/07/;
+      $date =~ s/Aug/08/;
+      $date =~ s/Sep/09/;
+      $date =~ s/Oct/10/;
+      $date =~ s/Nov/11/;
+      $date =~ s/Dec/12/;
+      state $date_parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
+         pattern => '%d %m %Y %T',
+         time_zone => 'UTC',
+      );
+      my $datetime = $date_parser
+         ->parse_datetime($date);
+      my $timestamp = $datetime->epoch;
+      my $formatted_date = "$timestamp";
+      my $msg = 'Added a comment';
+      my $content = convert_content($x->{'content:encoded'});
+      utf8::encode($x->{'dc:creator'});
+      $events{$timestamp} = join "\n",
+         "commit refs/heads/$branch",
+         # still need to get email address
+         "committer $x->{'dc:creator'} <$x->{'dc:creator'}> $timestamp +0000",
+         'data <<8675309',
+         $msg,
+         '8675309',
+         "M 644 inline " . unique_comment_location($dir, $content),
+         'data <<8675309',
+      <<"COMMENT",
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="$x->{'dc:creator'}"
+ date="$formatted_date"
+ content="""
+      '8675309'
+      ;
+   }
+say $events{$_} for sort keys %events;
+sub convert_content {
+   my $body = shift;
+   utf8::encode($body);
+   state $converter = HTML::WikiConverter->new(
+      dialect              => 'Markdown',
+      link_style           => 'inline',
+      unordered_list_style => 'dash',
+      image_style          => 'inline',
+      image_tag_fallback   => 0,
+   );
+   # I know I know you can't parse XML with regular expressions.  Go find a real
+   # parser and send me a patch
+   my $in_code = 0;
+   my $start_code = qr(]*>);
+   # (?:) is a no op but keeps ikiwiki from breaking my script
+   my $end_code = qr();
+   $body =~ s(&#(?:8217|039);)(')g;
+   $body =~ s(&(?:quot|#822[01]);)(")g;
+   $body =~ s(<)(<)g;
+   $body =~ s(>)(>)g;
+   $body =~ s(&)(&)g;
+   $body =~ s(…)(...)g;
+   $body =~ s(̵[12];)(-)g;
+   $body =~ s(‘)(')g;
+   $body =~ s(′)(')g;
+   $body =~ s(∞)(∞)g;
+   $body =~ s( )()g;
+   $body =~ s(]*>)()g;
+   $body =~ s()()g;
+   my @tokens =
+      map {; split qr[(?=)] }
+      map {; split qr[\K] }
+      split /\n\n/,
+      $body;
+   my @new_tokens;
+   for my $t (@tokens) {
+      if (
+         ($in_code && $t !~ $end_code) ||
+         ($t =~ $start_code && $t =~ $end_code)
+      ) {
+         # do nothing
+      } elsif ($t =~ $start_code) {
+         $in_code = 1;
+      } elsif ($t =~ $end_code) {
+         $in_code = 0;
+      } else {
+         die "$t !!! '$1'" if $t =~ m/&([^;\s]+);/ && $1 !~ /[lg]t/;
+         $t = "


" + } + push @new_tokens, $t + } + + $converter->html2wiki(join "\n\n", @new_tokens) +} + +sub unique_comment_location { + my ($dir, $content) = @_; + + utf8::encode($content); + my $md5 = md5_hex($content); + + my $location; + my $i = 0; + do { + $i++; + $location = "$dir/comment_${i}_$md5._comment"; + } while -e $location; + + return $location +} + +
+----- + I modified the script a bit so categories and tags would actually show up in the output file. ----- -- 2.39.5