fix wikilink
[] / doc / users /
2021-10-15 Jonathan Dowlandreply: thanks
2021-10-05 anarcat(no commit message)
2021-09-27 ElectricGirl123Electric's userpage
2021-07-11 Tina(no commit message)
2021-07-11 Tinaremoved
2021-07-11 Tina(no commit message)
2021-06-21 Jonathan Dowlandfix-up wikilink
2021-06-21 Jonathan DowlandRefresh my user page
2021-01-21 commagray(no commit message)
2020-06-08 Amitai SchleierRevert jasatamanjogja spam edits.
2020-06-04 gogreenjogja1453... update for rename of ikiwikiusers.mdwn to jasatamanjogj...
2020-04-26 testtes12removed
2019-12-26 Amitai SchleierRevert "removed"
2019-12-26 360boom720@96742a1... removed
2019-12-11 PaulWisecreate my user page
2019-10-26 anarcatlink spam
2019-10-26 anarcatlink spam
2019-10-26 anarcatlink spam
2019-10-25 yalanci(no commit message)
2019-10-25 yalanci(no commit message)
2019-10-25 yalanci(no commit message)
2019-10-21 giuseppe.bilotta... link to the actual ikiwiki repo
2019-10-02 anarcatsplit done and not done patch list, remove patches...
2019-06-07 Amitai SchleierNo longer hosting these on Branchable.
2018-12-16 ALEXEIDZ(no commit message)
2018-12-16 ALEXEIDZ(no commit message)
2018-12-10 xuqi(no commit message)
2018-12-10 xuqi(no commit message)
2018-08-18 Tinchorename plugins/osm/Tincho.mdwn to users/Tincho.mdwn
2018-05-24 ankitCreating my Page
2018-05-08 kjsfix link
2018-05-08 kjsUpdate with info about my branches and changes to img...
2018-03-25 spalaxUpdate URL of a website (using ikiwiki)
2018-01-30 svetlana@192500fb6... urlfix
2018-01-30 svetlana@192500fb6... update
2017-11-06 111(no commit message)
2017-11-06 111(no commit message)
2017-09-28 Simon McVittieMerge remote-tracking branch 'tails/img-determinism'
2017-09-06 azzamsa(no commit message)
2017-06-20 j@d945f5982c686dda... (no commit message)
2017-06-12 alicef(no commit message)
2017-06-01 https://tylercipri... Add my user page
2017-05-01 desciUpdating links
2017-04-16 STrRedWolfInitial commit.
2017-04-13 anarcatadd list of pending patches
2017-03-09 martymcfly@55267c4... MyUserPage
2017-02-18 LouisMerge branch 'master' of git://
2017-02-18 LouisUpdate my (spalax) information
2017-02-18 LouisNew plugin: pageversion
2017-02-07 svetlana(no commit message)
2016-12-14 blipvert@b874dc054... (no commit message)
2016-11-27 jeff+ikiwiki@b5854... (no commit message)
2016-11-13 Amitai SchleierUpdate my personal site URL.
2016-09-20 alexjj@97b75209148... Created
2016-09-14 Amitai SchlairRename this redirect page, missed in previous.
2016-09-14 Amitai SchlairUpdate my surname to its new legal spelling.
2016-09-11 simonmicfix link
2016-09-11 simonmicupdate
2016-08-22 Simon McVittieRevert spam
2016-08-22 jhakasbaba76@c741f... update for rename of recentchanges.mdwn to __8226____9_...
2016-08-03 Joey HessMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2016-08-01 Amitai SchlairAdd new Shape My Work site.
2016-08-01 SamHathaway(no commit message)
2016-07-31 leg(no commit message)
2016-06-14 spalaxLink to a work-in-progress plugin
2016-05-31 https://id.koumbit... more home pages
2016-05-09 desciAdding sites
2016-04-28 Joey HessMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2016-04-11 desci(no commit message)
2016-04-03 desciadded personal information
2016-04-03 desciupdated sites list
2016-03-13 publicnothing
2016-02-20 Amitai SchlairUpdate link to Agile in 3 Minutes.
2016-02-12 mx.david.rix@3bf95... meta title
2016-02-12 mx.david.rix@3bf95... created
2016-01-31 https://launchpad... changed my mind, short usernames are cool
2016-01-31 https://launchpad... (no commit message)
2016-01-31 https://launchpad... (no commit message)
2015-11-30 Simon McVittieMerge remote-tracking branch 'smcv/pagestats-show'
2015-11-30 Simon McVittieMerge remote-tracking branch 'smcv/ready/limit'
2015-08-17 kjs(no commit message)
2015-06-09 Simon McVittieForce a deterministic sort order for more pages
2015-06-01 https://social.hi... added opengraph plugin
2015-05-28 https://social.hi... (no commit message)
2015-05-28 https://social.hi... (no commit message)
2015-05-11 kjsbranch link fix
2015-05-06 Amitai SchlairUsing ikiwiki for a new podcast.
2015-03-22 (no commit message)
2015-03-21 (no commit message)
2015-03-21 (no commit message)
2015-03-21 (no commit message)
2015-03-21 (no commit message)
2015-03-14 Joey HessMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2015-03-10 http://schmonz.liv... that job is happily previous
2015-03-02 fr33domloverUpdate my user page
2015-02-18 kjs userpage, reference git repo using template and...
2015-02-11 EdePopedecreated (sanitizing dead links)
2015-01-19 iuri(no commit message)
2015-01-19 iuri(no commit message)
2015-01-14 LouisRevert spam