From: joey Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 03:54:18 +0000 (+0000) Subject: WC lock idea and patch with stub functions X-Git-Tag: 1.44~51 X-Git-Url: WC lock idea and patch with stub functions --- diff --git a/doc/bugs/locking_fun.mdwn b/doc/bugs/locking_fun.mdwn index 8c4e0690b..5ecf9f846 100644 --- a/doc/bugs/locking_fun.mdwn +++ b/doc/bugs/locking_fun.mdwn @@ -3,19 +3,118 @@ changes at once with its commit message (see r2779). The loser gets a message that there were conflicts and gets to see his own edits as the conflicting edits he's supposed to resolve. -This can happen because writes the change, then drops the lock -before calling rcs_commit. It can't keep the lock because the commit hook -needs to be able to lock. +This can happen because writes the change, then drops the main wiki +lock before calling rcs_commit. It can't keep the lock because the commit +hook needs to be able to lock. -Using a shared reader lock plus an exclusive writer lock would seem to -allow getting around this. The CGI would need the exclusive lock when -editing the WC, then it could drop/convert that to the reader lock, keep -the lock open, and lauch the post-commit hook, which would use the reader -lock. +We batted this around for an hour or two on irc. The best solution seems to +be adding a subsidiary second lock, which is only used to lock the working +copy and is a blocking read/write lock. -One problem with the reader/writer idea is that the post-commit hook writes -wiki state. +* As before, the CGI will take the main wiki lock when starting up. +* Before writing to the WC, the CGI takes an exclusive lock on the WC. +* After writing to the WC, the CGI can downgrade it to a shared lock. + (This downgrade has to happen atomically, to prevent other CGIs from + stealing the exclusive lock.) +* Then the CGI, as before, drops the main wiki lock to prevent deadlock. It + keeps its shared WC lock. +* The commit hook takes first the main wiki lock and then the shared WC lock + when starting up, and holds them until it's done. +* Once the commit is done, the CGI, as before, does not attempt to regain + the main wiki lock (that could deadlock). It does its final stuff and + exits, dropping the shared WC lock. -An alternative approach might be setting a flag that prevents the -post-commit hook from doing anything, and keeping the lock. Then the CGI -would do the render & etc that the post-commit hook normally does. +Sample patch, with stub functions for the new lock: + +
+Index: IkiWiki/
+--- IkiWiki/	(revision 2774)
++++ IkiWiki/	(working copy)
+@@ -494,9 +494,14 @@
+ 		$content=~s/\r\n/\n/g;
+ 		$content=~s/\r/\n/g;
++		lockwc_exclusive();
+ 		$config{cgi}=0; # avoid cgi error message
+ 		eval { writefile($file, $config{srcdir}, $content) };
+ 		$config{cgi}=1;
++		lockwc_shared();
+ 		if ($@) {
+ 			$form->field(name => "rcsinfo", value => rcs_prepedit($file),
+ 				force => 1);
+Index: IkiWiki/Plugin/
+--- IkiWiki/Plugin/	(revision 2770)
++++ IkiWiki/Plugin/	(working copy)
+@@ -120,7 +120,9 @@
+ 		$content =~ s{(\\?)\[\[poll\s+([^]]+)\s*\]\]}{$edit->($1, $2)}seg;
+ 		# Store their vote, update the page, and redirect to it.
++		IkiWiki::lockwc_exclusive();
+ 		writefile($pagesources{$page}, $config{srcdir}, $content);
++		IkiWiki::lockwc_shared();
+ 		$session->param($choice_param, $choice);
+ 		IkiWiki::cgi_savesession($session);
+ 		$oldchoice=$session->param($choice_param);
+@@ -130,6 +132,10 @@
+ 			IkiWiki::rcs_commit($pagesources{$page}, "poll vote ($choice)",
+ 				IkiWiki::rcs_prepedit($pagesources{$page}),
+ 				$session->param("name"), $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR});
++			# Make sure that the repo is up-to-date;
++			# locking prevents the post-commit hook
++			# from updating it.
++			rcs_update();
+ 		}
+ 		else {
+ 			require IkiWiki::Render;
+---	(revision 2770)
++++	(working copy)
+@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
+ 		lockwiki();
+ 		loadindex();
+ 		require IkiWiki::Render;
++		lockwc_shared();
+ 		rcs_update();
+ 		refresh();
+ 		rcs_notify() if $config{notify};
+---	(revision 2770)
++++	(working copy)
+@@ -617,6 +617,29 @@
+ 	close WIKILOCK;
+ } #}}}
++sub lockwc_exclusive () { #{{{
++	# Take an exclusive lock on the working copy.
++	# The lock will be dropped on program exit.
++	# Note: This lock should only be taken _after_ the main wiki
++	# lock.
++	# TODO
++} #}}}
++sub lockwc_shared () { #{{{
++	# Take a shared lock on the working copy. If an exclusive lock
++	# already exists, downgrade it to a shared lock.
++	# The lock will be dropped on program exit.
++	# Note: This lock should only be taken _after_ the main wiki
++	# lock.
++	# TODO
++} #}}}
++sub unlockwc () { #{{{
++	close WIKIWCLOCK;
++} #}}}
+ sub loadindex () { #{{{
+ 	open (IN, "$config{wikistatedir}/index") || return;
+ 	while () {