From: Joey Hess <>
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 19:12:37 +0000 (-0500)
Subject: move to correct location
X-Git-Tag: 3.00~2

move to correct location

diff --git a/doc/user/smcv/gallery.mdwn b/doc/user/smcv/gallery.mdwn
deleted file mode 100644
index 40e9f6279..000000000
--- a/doc/user/smcv/gallery.mdwn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-[[!template id=plugin name=smcvgallery author="[[Simon_McVittie|smcv]]"]]
-[[!tag type/chrome]]
-This plugin has not yet been written; this page is an experiment in
-design-by-documentation :-)
-## Requirements
-This plugin formats a collection of images into a photo gallery,
-in the same way as many websites: good examples include the
-PHP application [Gallery](, Flickr,
-and Facebook's Photos "application".
-The web UI I'm trying to achieve consists of one
-[HTML page of thumbnails](
-as an entry point to the gallery, where each thumbnail
-links to
-[a "viewer" HTML page](
-with a full size image, next/previous thumbnail links, and [[plugins/comments]].
-(The Summer of Code [[plugins/contrib/gallery]] plugin does the
-next/previous UI in Javascript using Lightbox, which means that
-individual photos can't be bookmarked in a meaningful way, and
-the best it can do as a fallback for non-Javascript browsers
-is to provide a direct link to the image.)
-Other features that would be good to have:
-* minimizing the number of separate operations needed to make a gallery -
-  editing one source file per gallery is acceptable, editing one
-  source file per photo is not
-* keeping photos outside source code control, for instance in an
-  underlay
-* assigning [[tags|ikiwiki/directive/tag]] to photos, providing a
-  superset of Facebook's "show tagged photos of this person" functionality
-* constructing galleries entirely via the web by uploading attachments
-* inserting grouping (section headings) within a gallery; as in the example
-  linked above, I'd like this to split up the thumbnails but not the
-  next/previous trail
-* rendering an `<object>/<embed>` arrangement to display videos, and possibly
-  thumbnailing them in the same way as totem-video-thumbnailer
-  (my camera can record short videos, so some of my web photo galleries contain
-  them)
-My plan is to have these directives:
-* \[[!gallery]] registers the page it's on as a gallery, and displays all photos
-  that are part of this gallery but not part of a \[[!gallerysection]] (below).
-  All images (i.e. `*.png *.jpg *.gif`) that are attachments to the gallery page
-  or its subpages are considered to be part of the gallery.
-  Optional arguments:
-  * filter="[[ikiwiki/PageSpec]]": only consider images to be part of the
-    gallery if they also match this filter
-  * sort="date|filename": order in which to sort the images
-* \[[!gallerysection filter="[[ikiwiki/PageSpec]]"]] displays all photos in the
-  gallery that match the filter
-So, [the gallery I'm using as an example](
-could look something like this:
-    \[[!gallery]]
-    <!-- replaced with one uncategorized photo -->
-    # Gamarra
-    \[[!gallerysection filter="link(sometag)"]]
-    <!-- all the Gamarra photos -->
-    # Smokescreen
-    \[[!gallerysection filter="link(someothertag)"]]
-    <!-- all the Smokescreen photos -->
-    <!-- ... -->
-## Implementation ideas
-The photo galleries I have at the moment, like the Panic Cell example above,
-are made by using an external script to parse XML gallery descriptions (lists
-of image filenames, with metadata such as titles), and using this to write IkiWiki
-markup into a directory which is then used as an underlay. This is a hack, but it
-works. The use of XML is left over from a previous attempt at solving the same
-problem using Django.
-The next/previous part this plugin overlaps with [[todo/wikitrails]].
-A \[[!galleryimg]] directive to assign metadata to images is probably necessary, so
-the gallery page can contain something like:
-    \[[!galleryimg p1010001.jpg title="..." caption="..." tags="foo"]]
-    \[[!galleryimg p1010002.jpg title="..." caption="..." tags="foo bar"]]
-Making the viewer pages could be rather tricky.
-One possibility is to write out the viewer pages as a side-effect of preprocessing
-the \[[!gallery]] directive. The proof-of-concept implementation below does this.
-However, this does mean the viewer pages can't have tags or metadata of their own
-and can't be matched by [[pagespecs|ikiwiki/pagespec]] or
-[[wikilinks|ikiwiki/wikilink]]. It might be possible to implement tagging by
-using \[[!galleryimg]] to assign the metadata to the *images* instead of their
-Another is to synthesize source pages for the viewers. This means they can have
-tags and metadata, but trying to arrange for them to be scanned etc. correctly
-without needing another refresh run is somewhat terrifying.
-[[plugins/autoindex]] can safely create source pages because it runs in
-the refresh hook, but I don't really like the idea of a refresh hook that scans
-all source pages to see if they contain \[[!gallery]]...
-Making the image be the source page (and generate HTML itself) would be possible,
-but I wouldn't want to generate a HTML viewer for every `.jpg` on a site, so
-either the images would have to have a special extension (awkward for uploads from
-Windows users) or the plugin would have to be able to change whether HTML was
-generated in some way (not currently possible).
-## Proof-of-concept
-    #!/usr/bin/perl
-    package IkiWiki::Plugin::gallery;
-    use warnings;
-    use strict;
-    use IkiWiki 2.00;
-    sub import {
-    	hook(type => "getsetup", id => "gallery",  call => \&getsetup);
-    	hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "gallery", call => \&checkconfig);
-    	hook(type => "preprocess", id => "gallery",
-    		call => \&preprocess_gallery, scan => 1);
-    	hook(type => "preprocess", id => "gallerysection",
-    		call => \&preprocess_gallerysection, scan => 1);
-    	hook(type => "preprocess", id => "galleryimg",
-    		call => \&preprocess_galleryimg, scan => 1);
-    }
-    sub getsetup () {
-    	return
-    		plugin => {
-    			safe => 1,
-    			rebuild => undef,
-    		},
-    }
-    sub checkconfig () {
-    }
-    # page that is a gallery => array of images
-    my %galleries;
-    # page that is a gallery => array of filters
-    my %sections;
-    # page that is an image => page name of generated "viewer"
-    my %viewers;
-    sub preprocess_gallery {
-    	# \[[!gallery filter="!*/cover.jpg"]]
-    	my %params=@_;
-    	my $subpage = qr/^\Q$params{page}\E\//;
-    	my @images;
-    	foreach my $page (keys %pagesources) {
-    		# Reject anything not a subpage or attachment of this page
-    		next unless $page =~ $subpage;
-    		# Reject non-images
-    		# FIXME: hard-coded list of extensions
-    		next unless $page =~ /\.(jpg|gif|png|mov)$/;
-    		# Reject according to the filter, if any
-    		next if (exists $params{filter} &&
-    			!pagespec_match($page, $params{filter},
-    				location => $params{page}));
-    		# OK, we'll have that one
-    		push @images, $page;
-    		my $viewername = $page;
-    		$viewername =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
-    		$viewers{$page} = $viewername;
-    		my $filename = htmlpage($viewername);
-    		will_render($params{page}, $filename);
-    	}
-    	$galleries{$params{page}} = \@images;
-    	# If we're just scanning, don't bother producing output
-    	return unless defined wantarray;
-    	# actually render the viewers
-    	foreach my $img (@images) {
-    		my $filename = htmlpage($viewers{$img});
-    		debug("rendering image viewer $filename for $img");
-    		writefile($filename, $config{destdir}, "# placeholder");
-    	}
-    	# display a list of "loose" images (those that are in no section);
-    	# this works because we collected the sections' filters during the
-    	# scan stage
-    	my @loose = @images;
-    	foreach my $filter (@{$sections{$params{page}}}) {
-    		my $_;
-    		@loose = grep { !pagespec_match($_, $filter,
-    				location => $params{page}) } @loose;
-    	}
-    	my $_;
-    	my $ret = "<ul>\n";
-    	foreach my $img (@loose) {
-    		$ret .= "<li>";
-    		$ret .= "<a href=\"" . urlto($viewers{$img}, $params{page});
-    		$ret .= "\">$img</a></li>\n"
-    	}
-    	return "$ret</ul>\n";
-    }
-    sub preprocess_gallerysection {
-    	# \[[!gallerysection filter="friday/*"]]
-    	my %params=@_;
-    	# remember the filter for this section so the "loose images" section
-    	# won't include these images
-    	push @{$sections{$params{page}}}, $params{filter};
-    	# If we're just scanning, don't bother producing output
-    	return unless defined wantarray;
-    	# this relies on the fact that we ran preprocess_gallery once
-    	# already, during the scan stage
-    	my @images = @{$galleries{$params{page}}};
-    	@images = grep { pagespec_match($_, $params{filter},
-    			location => $params{page}) } @images;
-    	my $_;
-    	my $ret = "<ul>\n";
-    	foreach my $img (@images) {
-    		$ret .= "<li>";
-    		$ret .= htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage},
-    			$viewers{$img});
-    		$ret .= "</li>";
-    	}
-    	return "$ret</ul>\n";
-    }
-    sub preprocess_galleryimg {
-    	# \[[!galleryimg p1010001.jpg title="" caption="" tags=""]]
-    	my $file = $_[0];
-    	my %params=@_;
-    	return "";
-    }
-    1
diff --git a/doc/users/smcv/gallery.mdwn b/doc/users/smcv/gallery.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40e9f6279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/users/smcv/gallery.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+[[!template id=plugin name=smcvgallery author="[[Simon_McVittie|smcv]]"]]
+[[!tag type/chrome]]
+This plugin has not yet been written; this page is an experiment in
+design-by-documentation :-)
+## Requirements
+This plugin formats a collection of images into a photo gallery,
+in the same way as many websites: good examples include the
+PHP application [Gallery](, Flickr,
+and Facebook's Photos "application".
+The web UI I'm trying to achieve consists of one
+[HTML page of thumbnails](
+as an entry point to the gallery, where each thumbnail
+links to
+[a "viewer" HTML page](
+with a full size image, next/previous thumbnail links, and [[plugins/comments]].
+(The Summer of Code [[plugins/contrib/gallery]] plugin does the
+next/previous UI in Javascript using Lightbox, which means that
+individual photos can't be bookmarked in a meaningful way, and
+the best it can do as a fallback for non-Javascript browsers
+is to provide a direct link to the image.)
+Other features that would be good to have:
+* minimizing the number of separate operations needed to make a gallery -
+  editing one source file per gallery is acceptable, editing one
+  source file per photo is not
+* keeping photos outside source code control, for instance in an
+  underlay
+* assigning [[tags|ikiwiki/directive/tag]] to photos, providing a
+  superset of Facebook's "show tagged photos of this person" functionality
+* constructing galleries entirely via the web by uploading attachments
+* inserting grouping (section headings) within a gallery; as in the example
+  linked above, I'd like this to split up the thumbnails but not the
+  next/previous trail
+* rendering an `<object>/<embed>` arrangement to display videos, and possibly
+  thumbnailing them in the same way as totem-video-thumbnailer
+  (my camera can record short videos, so some of my web photo galleries contain
+  them)
+My plan is to have these directives:
+* \[[!gallery]] registers the page it's on as a gallery, and displays all photos
+  that are part of this gallery but not part of a \[[!gallerysection]] (below).
+  All images (i.e. `*.png *.jpg *.gif`) that are attachments to the gallery page
+  or its subpages are considered to be part of the gallery.
+  Optional arguments:
+  * filter="[[ikiwiki/PageSpec]]": only consider images to be part of the
+    gallery if they also match this filter
+  * sort="date|filename": order in which to sort the images
+* \[[!gallerysection filter="[[ikiwiki/PageSpec]]"]] displays all photos in the
+  gallery that match the filter
+So, [the gallery I'm using as an example](
+could look something like this:
+    \[[!gallery]]
+    <!-- replaced with one uncategorized photo -->
+    # Gamarra
+    \[[!gallerysection filter="link(sometag)"]]
+    <!-- all the Gamarra photos -->
+    # Smokescreen
+    \[[!gallerysection filter="link(someothertag)"]]
+    <!-- all the Smokescreen photos -->
+    <!-- ... -->
+## Implementation ideas
+The photo galleries I have at the moment, like the Panic Cell example above,
+are made by using an external script to parse XML gallery descriptions (lists
+of image filenames, with metadata such as titles), and using this to write IkiWiki
+markup into a directory which is then used as an underlay. This is a hack, but it
+works. The use of XML is left over from a previous attempt at solving the same
+problem using Django.
+The next/previous part this plugin overlaps with [[todo/wikitrails]].
+A \[[!galleryimg]] directive to assign metadata to images is probably necessary, so
+the gallery page can contain something like:
+    \[[!galleryimg p1010001.jpg title="..." caption="..." tags="foo"]]
+    \[[!galleryimg p1010002.jpg title="..." caption="..." tags="foo bar"]]
+Making the viewer pages could be rather tricky.
+One possibility is to write out the viewer pages as a side-effect of preprocessing
+the \[[!gallery]] directive. The proof-of-concept implementation below does this.
+However, this does mean the viewer pages can't have tags or metadata of their own
+and can't be matched by [[pagespecs|ikiwiki/pagespec]] or
+[[wikilinks|ikiwiki/wikilink]]. It might be possible to implement tagging by
+using \[[!galleryimg]] to assign the metadata to the *images* instead of their
+Another is to synthesize source pages for the viewers. This means they can have
+tags and metadata, but trying to arrange for them to be scanned etc. correctly
+without needing another refresh run is somewhat terrifying.
+[[plugins/autoindex]] can safely create source pages because it runs in
+the refresh hook, but I don't really like the idea of a refresh hook that scans
+all source pages to see if they contain \[[!gallery]]...
+Making the image be the source page (and generate HTML itself) would be possible,
+but I wouldn't want to generate a HTML viewer for every `.jpg` on a site, so
+either the images would have to have a special extension (awkward for uploads from
+Windows users) or the plugin would have to be able to change whether HTML was
+generated in some way (not currently possible).
+## Proof-of-concept
+    #!/usr/bin/perl
+    package IkiWiki::Plugin::gallery;
+    use warnings;
+    use strict;
+    use IkiWiki 2.00;
+    sub import {
+    	hook(type => "getsetup", id => "gallery",  call => \&getsetup);
+    	hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "gallery", call => \&checkconfig);
+    	hook(type => "preprocess", id => "gallery",
+    		call => \&preprocess_gallery, scan => 1);
+    	hook(type => "preprocess", id => "gallerysection",
+    		call => \&preprocess_gallerysection, scan => 1);
+    	hook(type => "preprocess", id => "galleryimg",
+    		call => \&preprocess_galleryimg, scan => 1);
+    }
+    sub getsetup () {
+    	return
+    		plugin => {
+    			safe => 1,
+    			rebuild => undef,
+    		},
+    }
+    sub checkconfig () {
+    }
+    # page that is a gallery => array of images
+    my %galleries;
+    # page that is a gallery => array of filters
+    my %sections;
+    # page that is an image => page name of generated "viewer"
+    my %viewers;
+    sub preprocess_gallery {
+    	# \[[!gallery filter="!*/cover.jpg"]]
+    	my %params=@_;
+    	my $subpage = qr/^\Q$params{page}\E\//;
+    	my @images;
+    	foreach my $page (keys %pagesources) {
+    		# Reject anything not a subpage or attachment of this page
+    		next unless $page =~ $subpage;
+    		# Reject non-images
+    		# FIXME: hard-coded list of extensions
+    		next unless $page =~ /\.(jpg|gif|png|mov)$/;
+    		# Reject according to the filter, if any
+    		next if (exists $params{filter} &&
+    			!pagespec_match($page, $params{filter},
+    				location => $params{page}));
+    		# OK, we'll have that one
+    		push @images, $page;
+    		my $viewername = $page;
+    		$viewername =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+    		$viewers{$page} = $viewername;
+    		my $filename = htmlpage($viewername);
+    		will_render($params{page}, $filename);
+    	}
+    	$galleries{$params{page}} = \@images;
+    	# If we're just scanning, don't bother producing output
+    	return unless defined wantarray;
+    	# actually render the viewers
+    	foreach my $img (@images) {
+    		my $filename = htmlpage($viewers{$img});
+    		debug("rendering image viewer $filename for $img");
+    		writefile($filename, $config{destdir}, "# placeholder");
+    	}
+    	# display a list of "loose" images (those that are in no section);
+    	# this works because we collected the sections' filters during the
+    	# scan stage
+    	my @loose = @images;
+    	foreach my $filter (@{$sections{$params{page}}}) {
+    		my $_;
+    		@loose = grep { !pagespec_match($_, $filter,
+    				location => $params{page}) } @loose;
+    	}
+    	my $_;
+    	my $ret = "<ul>\n";
+    	foreach my $img (@loose) {
+    		$ret .= "<li>";
+    		$ret .= "<a href=\"" . urlto($viewers{$img}, $params{page});
+    		$ret .= "\">$img</a></li>\n"
+    	}
+    	return "$ret</ul>\n";
+    }
+    sub preprocess_gallerysection {
+    	# \[[!gallerysection filter="friday/*"]]
+    	my %params=@_;
+    	# remember the filter for this section so the "loose images" section
+    	# won't include these images
+    	push @{$sections{$params{page}}}, $params{filter};
+    	# If we're just scanning, don't bother producing output
+    	return unless defined wantarray;
+    	# this relies on the fact that we ran preprocess_gallery once
+    	# already, during the scan stage
+    	my @images = @{$galleries{$params{page}}};
+    	@images = grep { pagespec_match($_, $params{filter},
+    			location => $params{page}) } @images;
+    	my $_;
+    	my $ret = "<ul>\n";
+    	foreach my $img (@images) {
+    		$ret .= "<li>";
+    		$ret .= htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage},
+    			$viewers{$img});
+    		$ret .= "</li>";
+    	}
+    	return "$ret</ul>\n";
+    }
+    sub preprocess_galleryimg {
+    	# \[[!galleryimg p1010001.jpg title="" caption="" tags=""]]
+    	my $file = $_[0];
+    	my %params=@_;
+    	return "";
+    }
+    1