From: joey <joey@0fa5a96a-9a0e-0410-b3b2-a0fd24251071>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 17:51:39 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: web commit by Here's my mostly-working darcs plugin.
X-Git-Tag: 1.46~9

web commit by Here's my mostly-working darcs plugin.

diff --git a/doc/patchqueue/darcs.mdwn b/doc/patchqueue/darcs.mdwn
index c54582daa..c7ac34b18 100644
--- a/doc/patchqueue/darcs.mdwn
+++ b/doc/patchqueue/darcs.mdwn
@@ -201,3 +201,131 @@ Here's Thomas Schwinge unfinished darcs support for ikiwiki.
+This is my ([bma]( - it's messy (my Perl isn't up to much) but seems to work. It uses just one repo, like the mercurial plugin (unlike the above version, which AIUI uses two).
+`rcs_commit()` uses backticks instead of `system()`, to prevent darcs' output being sent to the browser and mucking with the HTTP headers (`darcs record` has no --quiet option). And `rcs_recentchanges()` uses regexes rather than parsing darcs' XML output.
+[[toggle text="show"]]
+[[toggleable text="""
+	#!/usr/bin/perl
+	use warnings;
+	use strict;
+	use IkiWiki;
+	use Date::Parse;
+	use open qw{:utf8 :std};
+	package IkiWiki;
+	sub rcs_update () { #{{{
+		# Do nothing - there's nowhere to update *from*.
+	} #}}}
+	sub rcs_prepedit ($) { #{{{
+	} #}}}
+	sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
+		my ($file, $message, $rcstoken, $user, $ipaddr) = @_;
+		# $user should probably be a name and an email address, by darcs
+		# convention.
+		if (defined $user) {
+			$user = possibly_foolish_untaint($user);
+		}
+		elsif (defined $ipaddr) {
+			$user = "Anonymous from $ipaddr";
+		}
+		else {
+			$user = "Anonymous";
+		}
+		$message = possibly_foolish_untaint($message);
+		# BUG: this outputs one line of text, and there's not a -q or --quiet
+		# option. Redirecting output to /dev/null works, but I still get the
+		# HTTP status and location headers displayed in the browser - is that
+		# darcs' fault or ikiwiki's?
+		# Doing it in backticks *works*, but I'm sure it could be done better.
+		my @cmdline = ("darcs", "record", "--repodir", "$config{srcdir}",
+		               "-a", "-m", "$message", "--author", "$user", $file);
+		`darcs record --repodir "$config{srcdir}" -a -m "$message" --author "$user" $file`; # Return value? Output? Who needs 'em?
+		#if (system(@cmdline) != 0) {
+		#	warn "'@cmdline' failed: $!";
+		#}
+		return undef; # success
+	sub rcs_add ($) { # {{{
+		my ($file) = @_;
+		my @cmdline = ("darcs", "add", "--repodir", "$config{srcdir}", "-a", "-q", "$file");
+		if (system(@cmdline) != 0) {
+			warn "'@cmdline' failed: $!";
+		}
+	} #}}}
+	sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
+		# TODO: This is horrible code. It doesn't work perfectly, and uses regexes
+		# rather than parsing Darcs' XML output.
+		my $num=shift;
+		my @ret;
+		return unless -d "$config{srcdir}/_darcs";
+		my $changelog = `darcs changes --xml --summary --repodir "$config{srcdir}"`;
+		$changelog = join("", split(/\s*\n\s*/, $changelog));
+		my @changes = split(/<\/patch>.*?<patch/m, $changelog);
+		foreach my $change (@changes) {
+			$change =~ m/hash='(.*?)'/;
+			my $rev = $1;
+			$change =~ m/author='(.*?)'/;
+			my $user = $1."\n";
+			my $committype = "web";
+			if($user =~ m/&lt;/) {
+				# Author fields generated by darcs include an email address: look for the "<".
+				$committype = "darcs";
+				use HTML::Entities;
+				$user = decode_entities $user;
+			}
+			$change =~ m/local_date='(.*?)'/;
+			my $when = $1;
+			$when=time - str2time($when, 'UTC');
+			$change =~ m/<name>(.*?)<\/name>/g;
+			my @message = {line => $1};
+			foreach my $match ($change =~ m/<comment>(.*?)<\/comment>/gm) {
+				push @message, {line => $1};
+			}
+			my @pages;
+			foreach my $match ($change =~ m/<.*?_(file|directory)>(.*?)(<(added|removed)_lines.*\/>)*<\/.*?_(file|directory)>/g) {
+				# My perl-fu is weak. I'm probably going about this all wrong, anyway.
+				push @pages, {page => pagename($match)} if ( -f $config{srcdir}."/".$match || -d $config{srcdir}."/".$match) and not $match =~ m/^$/;
+			}
+			push @ret, { rev => $rev,
+					user => $user,
+					committype => $committype,
+					when => $when,
+					message => [@message],
+					pages => [@pages],
+				}
+		}
+		return @ret;
+	} #}}}
+	sub rcs_notify () { #{{{
+		# TODO
+	} #}}}
+	sub rcs_getctime ($) { #{{{
+		error gettext("getctime not implemented");
+	} #}}}
+	1
\ No newline at end of file