+The [[plugins/inline]] plugin has a `sort="title"` option that causes the pages in the list to be sorted by title rather than creation time. The [[plugins]] list on this wiki was recently changed to use this option. If you look at the plugin page, you'll notice that it doesn't look correctly sorted. e.g. `attach (third party plugin)` falls between `conditional` and `default content for *copyright* and *license*`.
+I think the problem here is that the pages are being sorted by their path, whereas only the basename is displayed. This makes the example above:
+ * plugins/conditional
+ * plugins/contrib/attach
+ * plugins/contrib/default content for *copyright* and *license*
+and now you can see why it is ordered that way, and why later on we get:
+ * plugins/contrib/unixauth (third party plugin)
+ * plugins/creole
+which appears to list `unixauth` before `creole`.
+I'm not sure what the best fix is. One fix would be to add another sort option, `sort="path"`, that would use the current (broken) sort by title. Then add a true `sort="title"` that actually sorts on the title. It might also be interesting to modify the sort=path to actually list the full path in the links - that way it would be obvious how it is sorted. Or you could ignore the idea for `sort="path"`, and tell people to use [[plugins/map]] for that.