IkiWiki/plugin/git.pm checks for a version of git greater than 1.5.4, and if greater, commits with a blank message and '--cleanup=verbatim'. The cleanup option doesn't let the message get committed. Relatively new versions of git support '--allow-empty-message' but I haven't been able to identify when that feature was added. Instead I opted for a default message.
-< # git will not commit with a blank comment, though this
-< # can be overridden in later versions.
-< $params{message}.="No commit message specified.";
-> # Force git to allow empty commit messages.
-> # (If this version of git supports it.)
-> my ($version)=`git --version` =~ /git version (.*)/;
-> if ($version ge "1.5.4") {
-> push @opts, '--cleanup=verbatim';
-> }
-> else {
-> $params{message}.=".";
-> }
+ 544,545d543
+ < # git will not commit with a blank comment, though this
+ < # can be overridden in later versions.
+ 547c545,553
+ < $params{message}.="No commit message specified.";
+ ---
+ > # Force git to allow empty commit messages.
+ > # (If this version of git supports it.)
+ > my ($version)=`git --version` =~ /git version (.*)/;
+ > if ($version ge "1.5.4") {
+ > push @opts, '--cleanup=verbatim';
+ > }
+ > else {
+ > $params{message}.=".";
+ > }
The other option would be to change only line 549: