A directive that contains an unterminated """ string should not
cause each word of the string to be treated as a bare word. Instead,
the directive should fail to parse.
There are two tests. One just checks that a complete directive
containing such a string fails to parse. The other checks for a case
where a directive ends with a very long unterminated """ string,
and the directive is itself not closed. While this test won't fail,
it does trigger a nasty perl warning.
use warnings;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 19;
+use Test::More tests => 21;
BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
"foo(a => $multiline, b => foo)");
is(IkiWiki::preprocess("foo", "foo", '[[foo a="""'."\n".$multiline."\n".'""" b="foo"]]', 0, 0),
"foo(a => $multiline, b => foo)", "leading/trailing newline stripped");
"foo(a => $multiline, b => foo)");
is(IkiWiki::preprocess("foo", "foo", '[[foo a="""'."\n".$multiline."\n".'""" b="foo"]]', 0, 0),
"foo(a => $multiline, b => foo)", "leading/trailing newline stripped");
+my $long='[[foo a="""'.("a" x 100000).'';
+is(IkiWiki::preprocess("foo", "foo", $long, 0, 0), $long,
+ "unterminated triple-quoted string inside unterminated directive(should not warn about over-recursion)");
+is(IkiWiki::preprocess("foo", "foo", $long."]]", 0, 0), $long."]]",
+ "unterminated triple-quoted string is not treated as a bare word");
local $TODO = "nested strings not yet implemented";
local $TODO = "nested strings not yet implemented";