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wikilinks are harmless, so we might as well allow them.
Access control for this plugin is a bit odd, since we specifically
don't want to allow comments to be edited - so the check is whether the
user is allowed to edit a deliberately invalid page name,
page/commented/on[smcvpostcomment]. You can put smcvpostcomment(*)
or smcvpostcomment(some/subdir/*) in $config{anonok_pagespec}
or the opposite in $config{locked_pages} to allow "editing" (really
just posting) comments.
return unless $do eq PLUGIN;
# These are theoretically configurable, but currently hard-coded
return unless $do eq PLUGIN;
# These are theoretically configurable, but currently hard-coded
- my $allow_wikilinks = 0;
my $allow_directives = 0;
my $commit_comments = 1;
my $allow_directives = 0;
my $commit_comments = 1;
+ IkiWiki::check_canedit($page . "[" . PLUGIN . "]", $cgi, $session);
my ($authorurl, $author) = linkuser(getcgiuser($session));
my $body = $form->field('body') || '';
$body =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
$body =~ s/\r/\n/g;
my ($authorurl, $author) = linkuser(getcgiuser($session));
my $body = $form->field('body') || '';
$body =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
$body =~ s/\r/\n/g;
- $body .= "\n" if $body !~ /\n$/;
+ $body = "\n" if $body !~ /\n$/;
+ unless ($allow_directives) {
+ # don't allow new-style directives at all
+ $body =~ s/(^|[^\\])\[\[!/$1\\[[!/g;
- $body =~ s/\[\[([^!])/[[$1/g unless $allow_wikilinks;
- $body =~ s/\[\[!/[[!/g unless $allow_directives;
+ # don't allow [[ unless it begins an old-style
+ # wikilink, if prefix_directives is off
+ $body =~ s/(^|[^\\])\[\[(?![^\n\s\]+]\]\])/$1\\[[!/g
+ unless $config{prefix_directives};
+ }
# In this template, the [[!meta]] directives should stay at the end,
# so that they will override anything the user specifies. (For
# In this template, the [[!meta]] directives should stay at the end,
# so that they will override anything the user specifies. (For
+package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
+sub match_smcvpostcomment ($$;@) {
+ my $page = shift;
+ my $glob = shift;
+ unless ($page =~ s/\[smcvpostcomment\]$//) {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not posting a comment");
+ }
+ return match_glob($page, $glob);