+**Update 2011-08-16:**
+[This bug report](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=513989)
+shows the exact same symptoms; the solution they adopted is to not
+perform the redirect when the URL length exceeds the default Apache
+value of 8190.
+Regarding Apache limits: apparently, Apache (as of version 2.2.17)
+only applies the `LimitRequestLine` and `LimitRequestFiledsize` in
+client HTTP transactions; when dealing with the HTTP responses
+generated by CGI scripts, the code from `server/util_script.c`
+applies: (function `ap_scan_script_header_err_core`, lines 403--433)
+ char x[MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char *w, *l;
+ [...]
+ if (buffer) {
+ *buffer = '\0';
+ }
+ w = buffer ? buffer : x;
+ [...]
+ while (1) {
+ int rv = (*getsfunc) (w, MAX_STRING_LEN - 1, getsfunc_data);
+where `MAX_STRING_LEN` is defined in `httpd.h` to be equal to
+`HUGE_STRING_LEN`, that is, 8192.