+>>> Right. Since this bug is fixed in current testing/sid, only
+>>> Squeeze needs to be taken care of. As far as Debian Squeeze is
+>>> concerned, I see two ways out of the current buggy situation:
+>>> 1. Add `Conflicts: libyaml-libyaml-perl (< 0.34-1~)` to the
+>>> ikiwiki packages uploaded to stable and squeeze-backports.
+>>> Additionally uploading the newer, fixed `libyaml-libyaml-perl`
+>>> to squeeze-backports would make the resulting situation a bit
+>>> easier to deal with from the Debian stable user point of view.
+>>> 2. Patch the ikiwiki packages uploaded to stable and
+>>> squeeze-backports:
+>>> - either to workaround the bug by explicitly using YAML::Syck
+>>> (yeah, it's deprecated, but it's Debian stable)
+>>> - or to make the bug easier to workaround by the user, e.g. by
+>>> warning her of possible problems in case YAML::Any has chosen
+>>> YAML::XS as its preferred implementation (the
+>>> `YAML::Any->implementation` module method can come in handy
+>>> in this case).
+>>> I tend to prefer the first aforementioned solution, but any of
+>>> these will anyway be kinda ugly, so...