X-Git-Url: http://git.vanrenterghem.biz/git.ikiwiki.info.git/blobdiff_plain/80b402286c7826f555666e6b8632b78e1d1d564d..38460076e10ab644dfab86cb85f4e361f2257a47:/doc/todo/svg.mdwn?ds=sidebyside
diff --git a/doc/todo/svg.mdwn b/doc/todo/svg.mdwn
index d713d48cd..274ebf3e3 100644
--- a/doc/todo/svg.mdwn
+++ b/doc/todo/svg.mdwn
@@ -3,9 +3,12 @@ We should support SVG. In particular:
* We could support rendering SVGs to PNGs when compiling the wiki. Not all browsers support SVG yet.
* We could support editing SVGs via the web interface. SVG can contain unsafe content such as scripting, so we would need to whitelist safe markup.
+ * I am interested in seeing [svg-edit](http://code.google.com/p/svg-edit/) integrated -- [[EricDrechsel]]
I'm allowing for inline SVG on my own installation. I've patched my
copy of htmlscrubber.pm to allow safe MathML and SVG elements (as
implemented in html5lib). Here's a patch
@@ -13,4 +16,62 @@ if anyone else is interested.
Actually, that patch wasn't quite
right. I'll post a new one when it's working properly. --[[JasonBlevins]]
+* * *
+I'd like to hear what people think about the following:
+1. Including whitelists of elements and attributes for SVG and MathML in
+ htmlscrubber.
+2. Creating a whitelist of safe SVG (and maybe even HTML) style
+ attributes such as `fill`, `stroke-width`, etc.
+ This is how the [sanitizer][] in html5lib works. It shouldn't be too
+ hard to translate the relevant parts to Perl.
+ --[[JasonBlevins]], March 21, 2008 11:39 EDT
+[sanitizer]: http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/source/browse/trunk/ruby/lib/html5/sanitizer.rb
+* * *
+Another problem is that [HTML::Scrubber][] converts all tags to lowercase.
+Some SVG elements, such as viewBox, are mixed case. It seems that
+properly handling SVG might require moving to a different sanitizer.
+It seems that [HTML::Sanitizer][] has functions for sanitizing XHTML.
+Any thoughts? --[[JasonBlevins]], March 21, 2008 13:54 EDT
+[HTML::Scrubber]: http://search.cpan.org/~podmaster/HTML-Scrubber-0.08/Scrubber.pm
+[HTML::Sanitizer]: http://search.cpan.org/~nesting/HTML-Sanitizer-0.04/Sanitizer.pm
+I figured out a quick hack to make HTML::Scrubber case-sensitive by
+making the underlying HTML::Parser case-sensitive:
+ $_scrubber->{_p}->case_sensitive(1);
+So now I've got a version of [htmlscrubber.pm][] ([diff][])
+which allows safe SVG and MathML elements and attributes (but no
+styles—do we need them?). I'd be thrilled to see this
+in the trunk if other people think it's useful.
+--[[JasonBlevins]], March 24, 2008 14:56 EDT
+[diff]: http://xbeta.org/gitweb/?p=xbeta/ikiwiki.git;a=blobdiff;f=IkiWiki/Plugin/htmlscrubber.pm;h=3c0ddc8f25bd8cb863634a9d54b40e299e60f7df;hp=3bdaccea119ec0e1b289a0da2f6d90e2219b8d66;hb=fe333c8e5b4a5f374a059596ee698dacd755182d;hpb=be0b4f603f918444b906e42825908ddac78b7073
+> Unfortuantly these links are broken. --[[Joey]]
+* * *
+Actually, there's a way to embed SVG into MarkDown sources using the [data: URI scheme][rfc2397], [like this]().
+Of course, this way to display an image one needs to click a link, but it may be considered a feature.
+— [[Ivan_Shmakov]], 2010-03-12Z.
+[rfc2397]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2397
+> You can do the same with img src actually.
+> If svg markup allows unsafe elements (ie, javascript),
+> which it appears to,
+> then this is a security hole, and the htmlscrubber
+> needs to lock it down more. Darn, now I have to spend my afternoon making
+> security releases! --[[Joey]]