+> I suspect the next version will be 3.1415 ;) -- [[Jon]]
+>> And next 3.14159, 3.141592, etc. :) I think that version schema
+>> should be patented by Joey ;) --[[Paweł|users/ptecza]]
+>>> That's not exactly new; quoting from <http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/abcde.html>:
+>>>> The latest and best TeX is currently version 3.1415926 (and plain.tex is version 3.141592653); METAFONT is currently version 2.718281 (and plain.mf is version 2.71). My last will and testament for TeX and METAFONT is that their version numbers ultimately become $\pi$ and $e$, respectively. At that point they will be completely error-free by definition.
+>>> --[[tschwinge]]
+>>>> Thanks for the info, Thomas! I didn't know about it. Sorry Joey,
+>>>> but Don Knuth was faster. What a pity... ;) --[[Paweł|users/ptecza]]