* [Hacklab Independência](https://hi.ato.br) - radical tech collective
* [Piratas XYZ](http://piratas.xyz) - one of [pirate party of brazil](http://partidopirata.org)'s sites
* [Bürgerinitiative S4-Ausbau](https://www.s4-ausbau.de/) - A initative in the larger munich area to improve the public transport line S4
+* [MagmaSoft](http://magma-soft.at/), as well as the support site and the [Software Wiki](http://at.magma-soft.at/sw/)
+* [[voice in time|http://voice-in-time.com]] a voice recording studio located in Hamburg, Germany (rather complex build using ikiwiki only, providing CGI access for the customer)
+* [[nb instrument|http://nb-instrument.com]] a workshop for beautifully handcrafted musical instruments, located in Hamburg, Germany (also one of our rather complex builds using ikiwiki only, providing CGI access for the customer)
+* [[coido architects|http://coido.de]] architectural company, located in Hamburg, Germany and Rotterdam, Netherlands (also rather complex build adding masonry and gallery scripts and some pjaxing to the picture, providing CGI access for the customer)
Personal sites and blogs
* [Mídia Capoeira](https://capoeira.li/blog/) - independent journalism initiative
* [Sean Whitton's personal website](http://spwhitton.name/)
* [Matto's personal website](https://box.matto.nl)
+* [Rob Sayers' personal website](http://www.robsayers.com)