-Or set default values that will be applied to all later images on the page,
-unless overridden. Useful when including many images on a page.
+The `size` parameter is optional, defaulting to full size. Note that the
+original image's aspect ratio is always preserved, even if this means
+making the image smaller than the specified size.
+You can also pass `alt`, `title`, `class` and `id` parameters. These are
+passed through unchanged to the html img tag.
+The `link` parameter is used to control whether the scaled down image links
+to the full size version. By default it does; set "link=somepage" to link
+to another page instead, or "link=no" to disable the link, or
+"link=http://url" to link to a given url.
+You can also set default values that will be applied to all later images on
+the page, unless overridden. Useful when including many images on a page.