-[[!toggle id=git text="Git"]]
-[[!toggleable id=git text="""
- REPOSITORY=~/wiki.git
- ikiwiki-makerepo git $SRCDIR $REPOSITORY
-Please see [[rcs/git]] for detailed documentation about how
-ikiwiki uses git repositories, and some important caveats
-about using the git repositories.
-[[!toggle id=mercurial text="Mercurial"]]
-[[!toggleable id=mercurial text="""
- ikiwiki-makerepo mercurial $SRCDIR
-[[!toggle id=bazaar text="Bazaar"]]
-[[!toggleable id=bazaar text="""
- ikiwiki-makerepo bzr $SRCDIR
-[[!toggle id=tla text="TLA"]]
-[[!toggleable id=tla text="""
- REPOSITORY=~/wikirepo
- tla make-archive me@localhost--wiki $REPOSITORY
- tla my-id "<me@localhost>"
- cd $SRCDIR
- tla archive-setup me@localhost--wiki/wiki--0
- tla init-tree me@localhost--wiki/wiki--0
- # Edit {arch}/=tagging-method and change the precious
- # line to add the .ikiwiki directory to the regexp.
- tla add *
- tla import
+As a wiki compiler, ikiwiki builds a wiki from files in a source directory,
+and outputs the files to a destination directory. The source directory is
+a working copy checked out from the version control system repository.