-* a rename tool that can, at a minimum, move the existing page to the new name and optionally drop a forwarding page. If not unreasonably difficult, optionally rewrite incoming links to the new location.
\ No newline at end of file
+* a rename tool that can
+ * move the existing page to the new name
+ * optionally drop a forwarding page
+ * optionally rewrite incoming links to the new location
+> This could be implemented through the use of an HTTP redirect to the
+> new page, but this has the downside that people may not know they're being
+> redirected.
+> This could also be implemented using a combination of raw inline and meta
+> to change the title (add a "redirected from etc." page. This could be done
+> with a plugin. A redirect page would be [[redirect page="newpage"]].
+> But then if you click "edit" on this redirect page, you won't be able
+> to edit the new page, only the call to redirect.
+> --Ethan
+Note that there is a partial implementation in the [[patchqueoe|patchqueue/move_page]].