-} #}}}
-sub rcs_prepedit ($) { #{{{
- # Prepares to edit a file under revision control. Returns a token
- # that must be passed into rcs_commit when the file is ready
- # for committing.
- # The file is relative to the srcdir.
- my $file=shift;
- if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") {
- # For subversion, return the revision of the file when
- # editing begins.
- my $rev=svn_info("Revision", "$config{srcdir}/$file");
- return defined $rev ? $rev : "";
- }
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_commit ($$$) { #{{{
- # Tries to commit the page; returns undef on _success_ and
- # a version of the page with the rcs's conflict markers on failure.
- # The file is relative to the srcdir.
- my $file=shift;
- my $message=shift;
- my $rcstoken=shift;
- if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") {
- # Check to see if the page has been changed by someone
- # else since rcs_prepedit was called.
- my ($oldrev)=$rcstoken=~/^([0-9]+)$/; # untaint
- my $rev=svn_info("Revision", "$config{srcdir}/$file");
- if (defined $rev && defined $oldrev && $rev != $oldrev) {
- # Merge their changes into the file that we've
- # changed.
- chdir($config{srcdir}); # svn merge wants to be here
- if (system("svn", "merge", "--quiet", "-r$oldrev:$rev",
- "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) {
- warn("svn merge -r$oldrev:$rev failed\n");
- }
- }
- if (system("svn", "commit", "--quiet", "-m",
- possibly_foolish_untaint($message),
- "$config{srcdir}") != 0) {
- my $conflict=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$file");
- if (system("svn", "revert", "--quiet", "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) {
- warn("svn revert failed\n");
- }
- return $conflict;
- }
- }
- return undef # success
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{
- # filename is relative to the root of the srcdir
- my $file=shift;
- if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") {
- my $parent=dirname($file);
- while (! -d "$config{srcdir}/$parent/.svn") {
- $file=$parent;
- $parent=dirname($file);
- }
- if (system("svn", "add", "--quiet", "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) {
- warn("svn add failed\n");
- }
- }
-} #}}}
-sub svn_info ($$) { #{{{
- my $field=shift;
- my $file=shift;
- my $info=`LANG=C svn info $file`;
- my ($ret)=$info=~/^$field: (.*)$/m;
- return $ret;
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
- my $num=shift;
- my @ret;
- eval q{use CGI 'escapeHTML'};
- eval q{use Date::Parse};
- eval q{use Time::Duration};
- if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") {
- my $svn_url=svn_info("URL", $config{srcdir});
- # FIXME: currently assumes that the wiki is somewhere
- # under trunk in svn, doesn't support other layouts.
- my ($svn_base)=$svn_url=~m!(/trunk(?:/.*)?)$!;
- my $div=qr/^--------------------+$/;
- my $infoline=qr/^r(\d+)\s+\|\s+([^\s]+)\s+\|\s+(\d+-\d+-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+[-+]?\d+).*/;
- my $state='start';
- my ($rev, $user, $when, @pages, @message);
- foreach (`LANG=C svn log --limit $num -v '$svn_url'`) {
- chomp;
- if ($state eq 'start' && /$div/) {
- $state='header';
- }
- elsif ($state eq 'header' && /$infoline/) {
- $rev=$1;
- $user=$2;
- $when=concise(ago(time - str2time($3)));
- }
- elsif ($state eq 'header' && /^\s+[A-Z]\s+\Q$svn_base\E\/([^ ]+)(?:$|\s)/) {
- my $file=$1;
- my $diffurl=$config{diffurl};
- $diffurl=~s/\[\[file\]\]/$file/g;
- $diffurl=~s/\[\[r1\]\]/$rev - 1/eg;
- $diffurl=~s/\[\[r2\]\]/$rev/g;
- push @pages, {
- link => htmllink("", pagename($file), 1),
- diffurl => $diffurl,
- } if length $file;
- }
- elsif ($state eq 'header' && /^$/) {
- $state='body';
- }
- elsif ($state eq 'body' && /$div/) {
- my $committype="web";
- if (defined $message[0] &&
- $message[0]->{line}=~/^web commit by (\w+):?(.*)/) {
- $user="$1";
- $message[0]->{line}=$2;
- }
- else {
- $committype="svn";
- }
- push @ret, { rev => $rev,
- user => htmllink("", $user, 1),
- committype => $committype,
- when => $when, message => [@message],
- pages => [@pages],
- } if @pages;
- return @ret if @ret >= $num;
- $state='header';
- $rev=$user=$when=undef;
- @pages=@message=();
- }
- elsif ($state eq 'body') {
- push @message, {line => escapeHTML($_)},
- }
- }
- }
- return @ret;
-} #}}}
-sub prune ($) { #{{{
- my $file=shift;
- unlink($file);
- my $dir=dirname($file);
- while (rmdir($dir)) {
- $dir=dirname($dir);
- }
-} #}}}
-sub refresh () { #{{{
- # find existing pages
- my %exists;
- my @files;
- eval q{use File::Find};
- find({
- no_chdir => 1,
- wanted => sub {
- if (/$config{wiki_file_prune_regexp}/) {
- no warnings 'once';
- $File::Find::prune=1;
- use warnings "all";
- }
- elsif (! -d $_ && ! -l $_) {
- my ($f)=/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/; # untaint
- if (! defined $f) {
- warn("skipping bad filename $_\n");
- }
- else {
- $f=~s/^\Q$config{srcdir}\E\/?//;
- push @files, $f;
- $exists{pagename($f)}=1;
- }
- }
- },
- }, $config{srcdir});
- my %rendered;
- # check for added or removed pages
- my @add;
- foreach my $file (@files) {
- my $page=pagename($file);
- if (! $oldpagemtime{$page}) {
- debug("new page $page");
- push @add, $file;
- $links{$page}=[];
- $pagesources{$page}=$file;
- }
- }
- my @del;
- foreach my $page (keys %oldpagemtime) {
- if (! $exists{$page}) {
- debug("removing old page $page");
- push @del, $pagesources{$page};
- prune($config{destdir}."/".$renderedfiles{$page});
- delete $renderedfiles{$page};
- $oldpagemtime{$page}=0;
- delete $pagesources{$page};
- }
- }
- # render any updated files
- foreach my $file (@files) {
- my $page=pagename($file);
- if (! exists $oldpagemtime{$page} ||
- mtime("$config{srcdir}/$file") > $oldpagemtime{$page}) {
- debug("rendering changed file $file");
- render($file);
- $rendered{$file}=1;
- }
- }
- # if any files were added or removed, check to see if each page
- # needs an update due to linking to them
- # TODO: inefficient; pages may get rendered above and again here;
- # problem is the bestlink may have changed and we won't know until
- # now
- if (@add || @del) {
-FILE: foreach my $file (@files) {
- my $page=pagename($file);
- foreach my $f (@add, @del) {
- my $p=pagename($f);
- foreach my $link (@{$links{$page}}) {
- if (bestlink($page, $link) eq $p) {
- debug("rendering $file, which links to $p");
- render($file);
- $rendered{$file}=1;
- next FILE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # handle backlinks; if a page has added/removed links, update the
- # pages it links to
- # TODO: inefficient; pages may get rendered above and again here;
- # problem is the backlinks could be wrong in the first pass render
- # above
- if (%rendered) {
- my %linkchanged;
- foreach my $file (keys %rendered, @del) {
- my $page=pagename($file);
- if (exists $links{$page}) {
- foreach my $link (map { bestlink($page, $_) } @{$links{$page}}) {
- if (length $link &&
- ! exists $oldlinks{$page} ||
- ! grep { $_ eq $link } @{$oldlinks{$page}}) {
- $linkchanged{$link}=1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (exists $oldlinks{$page}) {
- foreach my $link (map { bestlink($page, $_) } @{$oldlinks{$page}}) {
- if (length $link &&
- ! exists $links{$page} ||
- ! grep { $_ eq $link } @{$links{$page}}) {
- $linkchanged{$link}=1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $link (keys %linkchanged) {
- my $linkfile=$pagesources{$link};
- if (defined $linkfile) {
- debug("rendering $linkfile, to update its backlinks");
- render($linkfile);
- }
- }
- }
-} #}}}
-sub gen_wrapper () { #{{{
- eval q{use Cwd 'abs_path'};
- $config{srcdir}=abs_path($config{srcdir});
- $config{destdir}=abs_path($config{destdir});
- my $this=abs_path($0);
- if (! -x $this) {
- error("$this doesn't seem to be executable");
- }
- if ($config{setup}) {
- error("cannot create a wrapper that uses a setup file");
- }
- my @params=($config{srcdir}, $config{destdir},
- "--wikiname=$config{wikiname}",
- "--templatedir=$config{templatedir}");
- push @params, "--verbose" if $config{verbose};
- push @params, "--rebuild" if $config{rebuild};
- push @params, "--nosvn" if !$config{svn};
- push @params, "--cgi" if $config{cgi};
- push @params, "--url=$config{url}" if length $config{url};
- push @params, "--cgiurl=$config{cgiurl}" if length $config{cgiurl};
- push @params, "--historyurl=$config{historyurl}" if length $config{historyurl};
- push @params, "--diffurl=$config{diffurl}" if length $config{diffurl};
- push @params, "--anonok" if $config{anonok};
- push @params, "--adminuser=$_" foreach @{$config{adminuser}};
- my $params=join(" ", @params);
- my $call='';
- foreach my $p ($this, $this, @params) {
- $call.=qq{"$p", };
- }
- $call.="NULL";
- my @envsave;
- HTTP_COOKIE} if $config{cgi};
- my $envsave="";
- foreach my $var (@envsave) {
- $envsave.=<<"EOF"
- if ((s=getenv("$var")))
- asprintf(&newenviron[i++], "%s=%s", "$var", s);
- }
- open(OUT, ">ikiwiki-wrap.c") || error("failed to write ikiwiki-wrap.c: $!");;
- print OUT <<"EOF";
-/* A wrapper for ikiwiki, can be safely made suid. */
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-extern char **environ;
-int main (int argc, char **argv) {
- /* Sanitize environment. */
- char *s;
- char *newenviron[$#envsave+3];
- int i=0;
- newenviron[i++]="HOME=$ENV{HOME}";
- newenviron[i]=NULL;
- environ=newenviron;
- if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--params") == 0) {
- printf("$params\\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- execl($call);
- perror("failed to run $this");
- exit(1);