+Ikiwiki requires the [[!cpan Text::Markdown::Discount]] (or
+[[!cpan Text::Markdown]]), [[!cpan URI]],
+[[!cpan HTML::Parser]], [[!cpan HTML::Template]], [[!cpan YAML::XS]] and [[!cpan HTML::Scrubber]]
+perl modules be installed.
+It can also use a lot of other perl modules, if
+they are available.
+Various [[plugins]] use other perl modules and utilities; see their individual
+documentation for details.
+### Installing dependencies by hand
+If you want to install by hand from the tarball, you should make sure that
+all the perl modules are installed. This is one way to install them, using
+CPAN to install modules from your local machine after you extract the ikiwiki tarball:
+ PERL5LIB=`pwd` PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl -MCPAN -e 'CPAN::Shell->install("Bundle::IkiWiki")'
+ PERL5LIB=`pwd` PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl -MCPAN -e 'CPAN::Shell->install("Bundle::IkiWiki::Extras")'
+## Installing ikiwiki by hand
+Then to build and install ikiwiki:
+ perl Makefile.PL # PREFIX=/dir to install elsewhere
+ make
+ make test # optional
+ make install
+If you're using a shared hosting provider, of the sort where you don't have
+root, you can still install ikiwiki. There are tutorials covering this for
+a few providers:
+* [[tips/NearlyFreeSpeech]]
+* [[tips/DreamHost]]