%forcerebuild %loaded_plugins};
use Exporter q{import};
-our @EXPORT = qw(hook debug error template htmlpage add_depends pagespec_match
- pagespec_match_list bestlink htmllink readfile writefile
- pagetype srcfile pagename displaytime will_render gettext urlto
- targetpage add_underlay pagetitle titlepage linkpage
- newpagefile inject add_link
+our @EXPORT = qw(hook debug error template htmlpage deptype
+ add_depends pagespec_match pagespec_match_list bestlink
+ htmllink readfile writefile pagetype srcfile pagename
+ displaytime will_render gettext ngettext urlto targetpage
+ add_underlay pagetitle titlepage linkpage newpagefile
+ inject add_link
%config %links %pagestate %wikistate %renderedfiles
%pagesources %destsources);
our $VERSION = 3.00; # plugin interface version, next is ikiwiki version
use Memoize;
sub getsetup () {
safe => 0, # paranoia
rebuild => 0,
+ include => {
+ type => "string",
+ default => undef,
+ example => '^\.htaccess$',
+ description => "regexp of normally ignored source files to include",
+ advanced => 1,
+ safe => 0, # regexp
+ rebuild => 1,
+ },
exclude => {
type => "string",
default => undef,
safe => 0,
rebuild => 0,
+ clean => {
+ type => "internal",
+ default => 0,
+ description => "running in clean mode",
+ safe => 0,
+ rebuild => 0,
+ },
refresh => {
type => "internal",
default => 0,
$l.="/" if length $l;
- if (exists $links{$l}) {
+ if (exists $pagesources{$l}) {
return $l;
elsif (exists $pagecase{lc $l}) {
if (length $config{userdir}) {
my $l = "$config{userdir}/".lc($link);
- if (exists $links{$l}) {
+ if (exists $pagesources{$l}) {
return $l;
elsif (exists $pagecase{lc $l}) {
sub cgiurl (@) {
my %params=@_;
- return $config{cgiurl}."?".
+ my $cgiurl=$config{cgiurl};
+ if (exists $params{cgiurl}) {
+ $cgiurl=$params{cgiurl};
+ delete $params{cgiurl};
+ }
+ return $cgiurl."?".
join("&", map $_."=".uri_escape_utf8($params{$_}), keys %params);
my @attrs;
- if (defined $opts{rel}) {
- push @attrs, ' rel="'.$opts{rel}.'"';
- }
- if (defined $opts{class}) {
- push @attrs, ' class="'.$opts{class}.'"';
+ foreach my $attr (qw{rel class title}) {
+ if (defined $opts{$attr}) {
+ push @attrs, " $attr=\"$opts{$attr}\"";
+ }
return "<a href=\"$bestlink\"@attrs>$linktext</a>";
+sub userpage ($) {
+ my $user=shift;
+ return length $config{userdir} ? "$config{userdir}/$user" : $user;
sub openiduser ($) {
my $user=shift;
my $display;
if (Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity->can("DisplayOfURL")) {
- # this works in at least 2.x
$display = Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity::DisplayOfURL($user);
else {
- # this only works in 1.x
+ # backcompat with old version
my $oid=Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity->new(identity => $user);
# Convert "http://somehost.com/user" to "user [somehost.com]".
# (also "https://somehost.com/user/")
if ($display !~ /\[/) {
- $display=~s/^https?:\/\/(.+)\/([^\/]+)\/?$/$2 [$1]/;
+ $display=~s/^https?:\/\/(.+)\/([^\/#?]+)\/?(?:[#?].*)?$/$2 [$1]/;
$display=~s!^https?://!!; # make sure this is removed
eval q{use CGI 'escapeHTML'};
-sub userlink ($) {
- my $user=shift;
- my $oiduser=eval { openiduser($user) };
- if (defined $oiduser) {
- return "<a href=\"$user\">$oiduser</a>";
- }
- else {
- eval q{use CGI 'escapeHTML'};
- error($@) if $@;
- return htmllink("", "", escapeHTML(
- length $config{userdir} ? $config{userdir}."/".$user : $user
- ), noimageinline => 1);
- }
sub htmlize ($$$$) {
my $page=shift;
my $destpage=shift;
"""(.*?)""" # 2: triple-quoted value
- "([^"]+)" # 3: single-quoted value
+ "([^"]*?)" # 3: single-quoted value
(\S+) # 4: unquoted value
""".*?""" # triple-quoted value
- "[^"]+" # single-quoted value
+ "[^"]*?" # single-quoted value
[^"\s\]]+ # unquoted value
""".*?""" # triple-quoted value
- "[^"]+" # single-quoted value
+ "[^"]*?" # single-quoted value
[^"\s\]]+ # unquoted value
my %old=map { $_ => 1 }
split("\n", readfile(srcfile($pagesources{$params{page}})));
foreach my $line (split("\n", $params{content})) {
- push @diff, $line if ! exists $old{$_};
+ push @diff, $line if ! exists $old{$line};
$params{diff}=join("\n", @diff);
-sub add_depends ($$;@) {
+sub add_depends ($$;$) {
my $page=shift;
my $pagespec=shift;
+ my $deptype=shift || $DEPEND_CONTENT;
# Is the pagespec a simple page name?
- my $simple=$pagespec =~ /$config{wiki_file_regexp}/ &&
- $pagespec !~ /[\s*?()!]/;
- my $deptype=0;
- if (@_) {
- my %params=@_;
- if ($params{presence}) {
- # Is the pagespec limited to terms that will continue
- # to match pages as long as those pages exist?
- my $presence_limited=1;
- while ($presence_limited && $pagespec=~m/(\w+)\([^\)]*\)/g) {
- $presence_limited = $1 =~ /^(glob|internal|creation_month|creation_day|creation_year|created_before|created_after)$/;
- }
- if ($presence_limited) {
- $deptype=$deptype | $DEPEND_PRESENCE;
- }
- else {
- $deptype=$deptype | $DEPEND_CONTENT;
- }
- }
- if ($params{links}) {
- # Is the pagespec limited to terms that will continue
- # to match pages as long as those pages exist and
- # link to the same places?
- my $links_limited=1;
- while ($links_limited && $pagespec=~m/(\w+)\([^\)]*\)/g) {
- $links_limited = $1 =~ /^(glob|internal|creation_month|creation_day|creation_year|created_before|created_after|backlink)$/;
- }
- if ($links_limited) {
- $deptype=$deptype | $DEPEND_LINKS;
- }
- else {
- $deptype=$deptype | $DEPEND_CONTENT;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $deptype=$DEPEND_CONTENT;
- }
- if ($simple) {
+ if ($pagespec =~ /$config{wiki_file_regexp}/ &&
+ $pagespec !~ /[\s*?()!]/) {
$depends_simple{$page}{lc $pagespec} |= $deptype;
return 1;
- return unless pagespec_valid($pagespec);
+ # Add explicit dependencies for influences.
+ my $sub=pagespec_translate($pagespec);
+ return if $@;
+ foreach my $p (keys %pagesources) {
+ my $r=$sub->($p, location => $page);
+ my $i=$r->influences;
+ foreach my $k (keys %$i) {
+ $depends_simple{$page}{lc $k} |= $i->{$k};
+ }
+ last if $r->influences_static;
+ }
$depends{$page}{$pagespec} |= $deptype;
return 1;
-sub file_pruned ($$) {
- require File::Spec;
- my $file=File::Spec->canonpath(shift);
- my $base=File::Spec->canonpath(shift);
- $file =~ s#^\Q$base\E/+##;
+sub deptype (@) {
+ my $deptype=0;
+ foreach my $type (@_) {
+ if ($type eq 'presence') {
+ $deptype |= $DEPEND_PRESENCE;
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'links') {
+ $deptype |= $DEPEND_LINKS;
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'content') {
+ $deptype |= $DEPEND_CONTENT;
+ }
+ }
+ return $deptype;
- my $regexp='('.join('|', @{$config{wiki_file_prune_regexps}}).')';
- return $file =~ m/$regexp/ && $file ne $base;
+my $file_prune_regexp;
+sub file_pruned ($;$) {
+ my $file=shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ require File::Spec;
+ $file=File::Spec->canonpath($file);
+ my $base=File::Spec->canonpath(shift);
+ return if $file eq $base;
+ $file =~ s#^\Q$base\E/+##;
+ }
+ if (defined $config{include} && length $config{include}) {
+ return 0 if $file =~ m/$config{include}/;
+ }
+ if (! defined $file_prune_regexp) {
+ $file_prune_regexp='('.join('|', @{$config{wiki_file_prune_regexps}}).')';
+ $file_prune_regexp=qr/$file_prune_regexp/;
+ }
+ return $file =~ m/$file_prune_regexp/;
sub define_gettext () {
# If translation is needed, redefine the gettext function to do it.
# Otherwise, it becomes a quick no-op.
- no warnings 'redefine';
+ my $gettext_obj;
+ my $getobj;
if ((exists $ENV{LANG} && length $ENV{LANG}) ||
(exists $ENV{LC_ALL} && length $ENV{LC_ALL}) ||
(exists $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} && length $ENV{LC_MESSAGES})) {
- *gettext=sub {
- my $gettext_obj=eval q{
+ $getobj=sub {
+ $gettext_obj=eval q{
use Locale::gettext q{textdomain};
- if ($gettext_obj) {
- $gettext_obj->get(shift);
- }
- else {
- return shift;
- }
- else {
- *gettext=sub { return shift };
- }
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *gettext=sub {
+ $getobj->() if $getobj;
+ if ($gettext_obj) {
+ $gettext_obj->get(shift);
+ }
+ else {
+ return shift;
+ }
+ };
+ *ngettext=sub {
+ $getobj->() if $getobj;
+ if ($gettext_obj) {
+ $gettext_obj->nget(@_);
+ }
+ else {
+ return ($_[2] == 1 ? $_[0] : $_[1])
+ }
+ };
sub gettext {
+sub ngettext {
+ define_gettext();
+ ngettext(@_);
sub yesno ($) {
my $val=shift;
}gx) {
my $word=$1;
if (lc $word eq 'and') {
- $code.=' &&';
+ $code.=' &';
elsif (lc $word eq 'or') {
- $code.=' ||';
+ $code.=' |';
elsif ($word eq "(" || $word eq ")" || $word eq "!") {
$code.=' '.$word;
sub pagespec_match_list ($$;@) {
- my $pages=shift;
- my $spec=shift;
- my @params=@_;
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $pagespec=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
- my $sub=pagespec_translate($spec);
- error "syntax error in pagespec \"$spec\""
- if $@ || ! defined $sub;
- my @ret;
- my $r;
- foreach my $page (@$pages) {
- $r=$sub->($page, @params);
- push @ret, $page if $r;
+ # Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
+ if (ref $page) {
+ print STDERR "warning: a plugin (".caller().") is using pagespec_match_list in an obsolete way, and needs to be updated\n";
+ $params{list}=$page;
+ $page=$params{location}; # ugh!
- if (! @ret && defined $r && $r->isa("IkiWiki::ErrorReason")) {
- error(sprintf(gettext("cannot match pages: %s"), $r));
+ my $sub=pagespec_translate($pagespec);
+ error "syntax error in pagespec \"$pagespec\""
+ if $@ || ! defined $sub;
+ my @candidates;
+ if (exists $params{list}) {
+ @candidates=exists $params{filter}
+ ? grep { ! $params{filter}->($_) } @{$params{list}}
+ : @{$params{list}};
else {
- return @ret;
+ @candidates=exists $params{filter}
+ ? grep { ! $params{filter}->($_) } keys %pagesources
+ : keys %pagesources;
+ }
+ if (defined $params{sort}) {
+ my $f;
+ if ($params{sort} eq 'title') {
+ $f=sub { pagetitle(basename($a)) cmp pagetitle(basename($b)) };
+ }
+ elsif ($params{sort} eq 'title_natural') {
+ eval q{use Sort::Naturally};
+ if ($@) {
+ error(gettext("Sort::Naturally needed for title_natural sort"));
+ }
+ $f=sub { Sort::Naturally::ncmp(pagetitle(basename($a)), pagetitle(basename($b))) };
+ }
+ elsif ($params{sort} eq 'mtime') {
+ $f=sub { $pagemtime{$b} <=> $pagemtime{$a} };
+ }
+ elsif ($params{sort} eq 'age') {
+ $f=sub { $pagectime{$b} <=> $pagectime{$a} };
+ }
+ else {
+ error sprintf(gettext("unknown sort type %s"), $params{sort});
+ }
+ @candidates = sort { &$f } @candidates;
+ }
+ @candidates=reverse(@candidates) if $params{reverse};
+ $depends{$page}{$pagespec} |= ($params{deptype} || $DEPEND_CONTENT);
+ # clear params, remainder is passed to pagespec
+ my $num=$params{num};
+ delete @params{qw{num deptype reverse sort filter list}};
+ my @matches;
+ my $firstfail;
+ my $count=0;
+ my $accum=IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new();
+ foreach my $p (@candidates) {
+ my $r=$sub->($p, %params, location => $page);
+ error(sprintf(gettext("cannot match pages: %s"), $r))
+ if $r->isa("IkiWiki::ErrorReason");
+ $accum |= $r;
+ if ($r) {
+ push @matches, $p;
+ last if defined $num && ++$count == $num;
+ }
+ # Add simple dependencies for accumulated influences.
+ my $i=$accum->influences;
+ foreach my $k (keys %$i) {
+ $depends_simple{$page}{lc $k} |= $i->{$k};
+ }
+ return @matches;
sub pagespec_valid ($) {
package IkiWiki::FailReason;
use overload (
- '""' => sub { ${$_[0]} },
+ '""' => sub { $_[0][0] },
'0+' => sub { 0 },
'!' => sub { bless $_[0], 'IkiWiki::SuccessReason'},
+ '&' => sub { $_[0]->merge_influences($_[1], 1); $_[0] },
+ '|' => sub { $_[1]->merge_influences($_[0]); $_[1] },
fallback => 1,
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $value = shift;
- return bless \$value, $class;
-package IkiWiki::ErrorReason;
-our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::FailReason';
+our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::SuccessReason';
package IkiWiki::SuccessReason;
use overload (
- '""' => sub { ${$_[0]} },
+ '""' => sub { $_[0][0] },
'0+' => sub { 1 },
'!' => sub { bless $_[0], 'IkiWiki::FailReason'},
+ '&' => sub { $_[1]->merge_influences($_[0], 1); $_[1] },
+ '|' => sub { $_[0]->merge_influences($_[1]); $_[0] },
fallback => 1,
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $value = shift;
- return bless \$value, $class;
+ return bless [$value, {@_}], $class;
+sub influences {
+ my $this=shift;
+ $this->[1]={@_} if @_;
+ my %i=%{$this->[1]};
+ delete $i{""};
+ return \%i;
+sub influences_static {
+ return ! $_[0][1]->{""};
+sub merge_influences {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $other=shift;
+ my $anded=shift;
+ if (! $anded || (($this || %{$this->[1]}) &&
+ ($other || %{$other->[1]}))) {
+ foreach my $influence (keys %{$other->[1]}) {
+ $this->[1]{$influence} |= $other->[1]{$influence};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # influence blocker
+ $this->[1]={};
+ }
+package IkiWiki::ErrorReason;
+our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::FailReason';
package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
my $links = $IkiWiki::links{$page};
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page has no links") unless $links && @{$links};
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page has no links", "" => 1)
+ unless $links && @{$links};
my $bestlink = IkiWiki::bestlink($from, $link);
foreach my $p (@{$links}) {
if (length $bestlink) {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to $link")
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
if $bestlink eq IkiWiki::bestlink($page, $p);
else {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p matching $link")
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p matching $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
if match_glob($p, $link, %params);
my ($p_rel)=$p=~/^\/?(.*)/;
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p_rel matching $link")
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p_rel matching $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
if match_glob($p_rel, $link, %params);
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page does not link to $link");
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page does not link to $link", "" => 1);
sub match_backlink ($$;@) {
- return match_link($_[1], $_[0], @_);
+ my $ret=match_link($_[1], $_[0], @_);
+ $ret->influences($_[1] => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS);
+ return $ret;
sub match_created_before ($$;@) {
if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} < $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created before $testpage");
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created before $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
else {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created before $testpage");
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created before $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
else {
- return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist");
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} > $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
- return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created after $testpage");
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created after $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
else {
- return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created after $testpage");
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created after $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
else {
- return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist");
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
my $user=shift;
my %params=@_;
+ my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re($user);
if (! exists $params{user}) {
return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no user specified");
- if (defined $params{user} && lc $params{user} eq lc $user) {
+ if (defined $params{user} && $params{user}=~/^$regexp$/i) {
return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user is $user");
elsif (! defined $params{user}) {