+* [Query Object Framework](http://qof.alioth.debian.org/)
+* [Estron - Object Relational Mapping interpreter](http://estron.alioth.debian.org/)
+* [Public Domain collection of Debian related tips & tricks](http://dabase.com/tips/) - please add any tips too
+* [Finnish Debian community](http://debian.fi)
+* [INCL intranuclear cascade and ABLA evaporation/fission](http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/kaitanie/incl/)
+* [dist-bugs](http://dist-bugs.kitenet.net/)
+* [Chaos Computer Club Düsseldorf](https://www.chaosdorf.de)
+* [monkeysphere](http://web.monkeysphere.info/)
+* [The Walden Effect](http://www.waldeneffect.org/)
+* [Monotone](http://monotone.ca/wiki/FrontPage/)
+* The support pages for [Trinity Centre for High Performance Computing](http://www.tchpc.tcd.ie/support/)
+* [St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School in Surrey](http://www.sthugh-of-lincoln.surrey.sch.uk/)
+* [Pigro Network](http://www.pigro.net) is running a hg based ikiwiki. (And provides ikiwiki hosting for $10/m.)
+* [Cosin Homepage](http://cosin.ch) uses an Ikiwiki with a subversion repository.
+* [Bosco Free Orienteering Software](http://bosco.durcheinandertal.ch)
+* The [GNU Hurd](http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/)'s web pages
+* The [Free Software Foundation](http://fsf.org) uses it for their internal wiki, with subversion.