-On a Debian system, this can be accomplished by installing the
-`libsparkline-php`, `php5-gd`, `php5-cli`, and `libdigest-sha1-perl`
-# examples
- \[[sparkline 1 3 5 -3 10 0 width=40 height=16
- featurepoint="4,-3,red,3" featurepoint="5,10,green,3"]]
-This creates a simple line graph, graphing several points.
-[[if test="enabled(sparkline)" then="""
-[[sparkline 1 3 5 -3 10 0 width=40 height=16
-featurepoint="4,-3,red,3" featurepoint="5,10,green,3"]]
-It will be drawn 40 pixels wide and 16 pixels high. The high point in the
-line has a green marker, and the low point has a red marker.
- \[[sparkline 1 -1(red) 1 -1(red) 1 1 1 -1(red) -1(red) style=bar barwidth=2
- barspacing=1 height=13]]
-This more complex example generates a bar graph.
-[[if test="enabled(sparkline)" then="""
-[[sparkline 1 -1(red) 1 -1(red) 1 1 1 -1(red) -1(red)
-style=bar barwidth=2 barspacing=1 height=13]]
-The bars are 2 pixels wide, and separated by one pixel, and the graph is 13
-pixels tall. Width is determined automatically for bar graphs. The points
-with negative values are colored red, instead of the default black.
-# usage
-The form for the data points is "x,y", or just "y" if the x values don't
-matter. Bar graphs can also add "(color)" to specify a color for that bar.
-The following named parameters are recognised. Most of these are the same
-as those used by the underlying sparkline library, which is documented in
-more detail in [its wiki](http://sparkline.wikispaces.com/usage).
-* `style` - Either "line" (the default) or "bar".
-* `width` - Width of the graph in pixels. Only needed for line graphs.
-* `height` - Height of the graph in pixels. Defaults to 16.
-* `barwidth` - Width of bars in a bar graph. Default is 1 pixel.
-* `barspacing` - Spacing between bars in a bar graph, in pixels. Default is
- 1 pixel.
-* `ymin`, `ymax` - Minimum and maximum values for the Y axis. This is
- normally calculated automatically, but can be explicitly specified to get
- the same values for multiple related graphs.
-* `featurepoint` - Adds a circular marker to a line graph, with optional
- text. This can be used to label significant points.
- The value is a comma-delimited list of parameters specifying the feature
- point: X value, Y value, color name, circle diameter, text (optional),
- and text location (optional). Example: `featurepoint="3,5,blue,3"`
- Available values for the text location are: "top", "right", "bottom", and
- "left".