-KGB is harder to setup ([tutorial](https://www.donarmstrong.com/posts/switching_to_kgb/)), as it , but more reliable than irker, in my experience. --[[anarcat]]
+KGB is harder to setup ([tutorial](https://www.donarmstrong.com/posts/switching_to_kgb/)), as it , but more reliable than irker, in my experience.
+I built the [[plugins/contrib/irker]] plugin to automatically configure notifications with irker. I chose irker because it could be configured per wiki, without having to touch a central configuration as would be required for KGB.--[[anarcat]]
+There is also a public service named [Notifico](http://n.tkte.ch/) that aims to replace the defunct [CIA.vc](http://cia.vc/) but it still requires server-side software configuration, so I think it is worth it. Same for [Pursuivant](https://martinsandsmark.wordpress.com/2012/11/20/irc-commit-notifications/). There is also a plethora of commercial notification services which are obviously not covered here.