+ GetOptions(
+ "aggregate" => \$config{aggregate},
+ "aggregateinternal!" => \$config{aggregateinternal},
+ );
+sub getsetup () {
+ return
+ plugin => {
+ safe => 1,
+ rebuild => undef,
+ },
+ aggregateinternal => {
+ type => "boolean",
+ example => 0,
+ description => "enable aggregation to internal pages?",
+ safe => 0, # enabling needs manual transition
+ rebuild => 0,
+ },
+ aggregate_webtrigger => {
+ type => "boolean",
+ example => 0,
+ description => "allow aggregation to be triggered via the web?",
+ safe => 1,
+ rebuild => 0,
+ },
+sub checkconfig () {
+ if ($config{aggregate} && ! ($config{post_commit} &&
+ IkiWiki::commit_hook_enabled())) {
+ launchaggregation();
+ }
+sub cgi ($) {
+ my $cgi=shift;
+ if (defined $cgi->param('do') &&
+ $cgi->param("do") eq "aggregate_webtrigger") {
+ $|=1;
+ print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
+ $config{cgi}=0;
+ $config{verbose}=1;
+ $config{syslog}=0;
+ print gettext("Aggregation triggered via web.")."\n\n";
+ if (launchaggregation()) {
+ IkiWiki::lockwiki();
+ IkiWiki::loadindex();
+ require IkiWiki::Render;
+ IkiWiki::refresh();
+ IkiWiki::saveindex();
+ }
+ else {
+ print gettext("Nothing to do right now, all feeds are up-to-date!")."\n";
+ }
+ exit 0;
+ }
+sub launchaggregation () {
+ # See if any feeds need aggregation.
+ loadstate();
+ my @feeds=needsaggregate();
+ return unless @feeds;
+ if (! lockaggregate()) {
+ debug("an aggregation process is already running");
+ return;
+ }
+ # force a later rebuild of source pages
+ $IkiWiki::forcerebuild{$_->{sourcepage}}=1
+ foreach @feeds;
+ # Fork a child process to handle the aggregation.
+ # The parent process will then handle building the
+ # result. This avoids messy code to clear state
+ # accumulated while aggregating.
+ defined(my $pid = fork) or error("Can't fork: $!");
+ if (! $pid) {