usage () {
- echo "usage: ikiwiki-makerepo svn|git|monotone srcdir repository" >&2
+ echo "usage: ikiwiki-makerepo svn|git|monotone|darcs srcdir repository" >&2
echo " ikiwiki-makerepo bzr|mercurial srcdir" >&2
exit 1
hg init "$srcdir"
cd "$srcdir"
echo .ikiwiki > .hgignore
- hg add * .hgignore
+ hg add
hg commit -m "initial import"
echo "Directory $srcdir is now set up as a mercurial repository"
bzr init "$srcdir"
cd "$srcdir"
echo .ikiwiki > .bzrignore
- bzr add * .bzrignore
+ bzr add
bzr commit -m "initial import"
echo "Directory $srcdir is now set up as a bzr repository"
echo "$srcdir already seems to be a monotone working copy" >&2
exit 1
- repodir=$(dirname "$repository")
- mkdir -p "$repodir"
- file_basename=$(basename -s .monotone "$repository" |\
- tr -s "[:space:]" "_" | sed 's/_$//g')
- reverse_hostname=$((hostname -f 2>/dev/null || hostname) |\
- tr "." "\n" | tail -r | tr "\n" ".")
- branch_name="$reverse_hostname$file_basename"
- reponame_with_ext="$"
- mtn db init -d "$repodir/$reponame_with_ext"
- mtn setup -d "$repodir/$reponame_with_ext" -b "$branch_name" "$srcdir"
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$repository")"
+ mtn db init -d "$repository"
+ cleaned_srcdir=$(basename "$srcdir" | tr -s "[:space:]" "_" | sed 's/_$//g')
+ reverse_hostname=$( (hostname -f 2>/dev/null || hostname) |\
+ tr "." "\n" | ( tac 2>/dev/null || tail -r ) | tr "\n" "." )
+ branch_name="$reverse_hostname$cleaned_srcdir"
+ mtn setup -d "$repository" -b "$branch_name" "$srcdir"
cd "$srcdir"
echo \.ikiwiki$ > .mtn-ignore
mtn add -R .
# with a default key floating around...
mtn ci -m "initial import"
echo "Directory $srcdir is now set up as a monotone repository"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Note: If your monotone key has a passphrase, you need to configure"
+ echo "monotone to automatically use it. Otherwise, web commits to ikiwiki"
+ echo "will fail."
+ echo ""
+ echo "You can create a $srcdir/_MTN/monotonerc"
+ echo "containing the passphrase:"
+ echo ""
+ echo "function get_passphrase (branchname)"
+ echo ' return "passphrasehere"'
+ echo "end"
+ if [ -e "$srcdir/_darcs" ]; then
+ echo "$srcdir already seems to be a darcs repository" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "$repository"
+ (cd "$repository" && darcs initialize)
+ mkdir -p "$srcdir"
+ cd "$srcdir"
+ darcs initialize
+ echo .ikiwiki >> _darcs/prefs/boring
+ darcs record -a -l -q -m "initial import"
+ darcs pull -a -q "$repository"
+ darcs push -a -q "$repository"
+ echo "Directory $srcdir is now a branch of darcs repo $repository"
+ # set up master repo's apply hook and tell user to adjust it if desired
+ darcsdefaults="$repository/_darcs/prefs/defaults"
+ echo "Preconfiguring apply hook in $darcsdefaults - adjust as desired!"
+ echo "apply posthook $repository/_darcs/ikiwiki-wrapper" >> "$darcsdefaults"
+ echo "apply run-posthook" >> "$darcsdefaults"
echo "Unsupported revision control system $rcs" >&2