safe => 0,
rebuild => 1,
+ osm_layers => {
+ type => "string",
+ example => { 'OSM', 'GoogleSatellite' },
+ description => "Layers to use in the map. Can be either the 'OSM' string or a type option for Google maps (GoogleNormal, GoogleSatellite, GoogleHybrid or GooglePhysical). It can also be an arbitrary URL in a syntax acceptable for OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.url parameter.",
+ safe => 0,
+ rebuild => 1,
+ },
+ osm_google_apikey => {
+ type => "string",
+ example => "",
+ description => "Google maps API key, Google layer not used if missing, see to get an API key",
+ safe => 1,
+ rebuild => 1,
+ },
sub register_rendered_files {
lat => $lat,
lon => $lon,
href => $href,
+ google_apikey => $config{'osm_google_apikey'},
return "<div id=\"mapdiv-$name\"></div>";
$icon = urlto($icon, $dest, 1);
+ $icon =~ s!/*$!!; # hack - urlto shouldn't be appending a slash in the first place
$tag = '' unless $tag;
register_rendered_files($map, $page, $dest);
$pagestate{$page}{'osm'}{$map}{'waypoints'}{$name} = {
foreach my $map (keys %waypoints) {
my $output;
my $writer = XML::Writer->new( OUTPUT => \$output,
- DATA_MODE => 1, ENCODING => 'UTF-8');
+ DATA_MODE => 1, DATA_INDENT => ' ', ENCODING => 'UTF-8');
$writer->startTag("kml", "xmlns" => "");
# first pass: get the icons
+ my %tags_map = (); # keep track of tags seen
foreach my $name (keys %{$waypoints{$map}}) {
my %options = %{$waypoints{$map}{$name}};
- $writer->startTag("Style", id => $options{tag});
- $writer->startTag("IconStyle");
- $writer->startTag("Icon");
- $writer->startTag("href");
- $writer->characters($options{icon});
- $writer->endTag();
- $writer->endTag();
- $writer->endTag();
- $writer->endTag();
+ if (!$tags_map{$options{tag}}) {
+ debug("found new style " . $options{tag});
+ $tags_map{$options{tag}} = ();
+ $writer->startTag("Style", id => $options{tag});
+ $writer->startTag("IconStyle");
+ $writer->startTag("Icon");
+ $writer->startTag("href");
+ $writer->characters($options{icon});
+ $writer->endTag();
+ $writer->endTag();
+ $writer->endTag();
+ $writer->endTag();
+ }
+ $tags_map{$options{tag}}{$name} = \%options;
foreach my $name (keys %{$waypoints{$map}}) {
zoom => "urlParams['zoom']",
fullscreen => 1,
editable => 1,
+ google_apikey => $config{'osm_google_apikey'},
print "</script>";
print "</body></html>";
sub embed_map_code(;$) {
my $page=shift;
my $olurl = $config{osm_openlayers_url} || "";
- return '<script src="'.$olurl.'" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>'.
+ my $code = '<script src="'.$olurl.'" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>'."\n".
'<script src="'.urlto("ikiwiki/osm.js", $page).
'" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>'."\n";
+ if ($config{'osm_google_apikey'}) {
+ $code .= '<script src="'.$config{'osm_google_apikey'}.'&sensor=false" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>';
+ }
+ return $code;
sub map_setup_code($;@) {
my $name=shift;
my %options=@_;
+ my $mapurl = $config{osm_map_url};
eval q{use JSON};
error $@ if $@;
$options{'kmlurl'} = urlto($map."/pois.kml");
+ if ($mapurl) {
+ $options{'mapurl'} = $mapurl;
+ }
+ $options{'layers'} = $config{osm_layers};
return "mapsetup('mapdiv-$name', " . to_json(\%options) . ");";