to point to it, but will forget to update the linkbacks in Foo/Baz.
And if Foo/Bar/Baz is then removed, it forgets to update Foo/Bar to link
back to Foo/Baz.
+* Foo/Bar/Baz shows up as Bar/Baz in the linkbacks on page Foo/Bar. Should
+ show as just Baz there.
+* If I try to do a web commit, to a svn+ssh repo, it fails with
+ "Host key verification failed."
+ I think that the setuid isn't fully taking; it should be running as me,
+ but commit log shows www-data. So maybe it has the wrong username?
+* Can't put the source in a directory named .source; the page finder skips
+ that due to too broad exclusion of any dotfile in a path.