See also: [Debian ikiwiki popcon graph](
and [google search for ikiwiki powered sites](
-While nothing makes me happier than knowing that ikiwiki has happy users,
+While nothing makes us happier than knowing that ikiwiki has happy users,
dropping some change in the [[TipJar]] is a nice way to show extra
Ikiwiki Hosting
-* [Branchable](
+[[!table data="""
+Name | Ikiwiki Configuration | Costs
+[Branchable]( | Open configuration with [ikiwiki-hosting]( | Free for free software, otherwise involves fees
+[FreedomBox]( | Web configuration with Plinth | Runs on your home's private cloud server
Projects & Organizations
* [NetBSD wiki](
* The [GNU Hurd](
* [DragonFly BSD](
+* [](
+* []( and many projects therein
* [Monotone](
* The [Free Software Foundation]( uses it for their internal wiki, with subversion.
* The [cairo graphics library]( website.
* [IPOL Image Processing On Line](
* [Debian Costa Rica](
* [Fvwm Wiki](
-* [Serialist]('s static pages (documentation, blog). We actually have ikiwiki generate its static content as HTML fragments using a modified page.tmpl template, and then the FastCGI powering our site grabs those fragments and embeds them in the standard dynamic site template.
* [Software in the Public Interest](
* [NXT Improved Firmware](
* [The FreedomBox Foundation](
* [[CAS Libres|]] - A French feminist radio program.
* [[Les Barricades|]] - A French socialist choir (CSS has been adapted from the one of [[Grésille|]]).
* [DKØTU Amateur Radio Station](, TU Berlin
-* [[Plan A|]] - A proposal for improvement of the urban public transport in Munich (by PRO BAHN, Bund Naturschutz and others)
+* [[Plan A|]] - A proposal for improvement of the urban public transport in Munich (by [[PRO BAHN|]], Bund Naturschutz and others)
* [[Smuxi IRC Client|]] - powerful IRC client for GNOME
+* [[hplusroadmap|]] - a community for open source hardware, do-it-yourself biohacking and practical transhumanism
+* [[OpenAFS|]] - an open-source, cross-platform distributed file system
+* [](
+* [Hacklab Independência]( - radical tech collective
+* [Piratas XYZ]( - one of [pirate party of brazil]('s sites
+* [Bürgerinitiative S4-Ausbau]( - A initative in the larger munich area to improve the public transport line S4
+* [MagmaSoft](, as well as the support site and the [Software Wiki](
+* [[voice in time|]] a voice recording studio located in Hamburg, Germany (rather complex build using ikiwiki only, providing CGI access for the customer)
+* [[nb instrument|]] a workshop for beautifully handcrafted musical instruments, located in Hamburg, Germany (also one of our rather complex builds using ikiwiki only, providing CGI access for the customer)
+* [[coido architects|]] architectural company, located in Hamburg, Germany and Rotterdam, Netherlands (also rather complex build adding masonry and gallery scripts and some pjaxing to the picture, providing CGI access for the customer)
+* [[guppy|]] an internationalized modular Python IRC bot
Personal sites and blogs
* [Roland Mas's blog](
* [Sergio Talens-Oliag's personal wiki]( and [blog](
* [Christian Aichinger's homepage](
-* Ben A'Lee's [homepage](
* [Adam Shand's homepage](
* [Hess family wiki](
* [Zack]('s homepage, including [his weblog](
* [[Simon_McVittie|smcv]]'s [website]( and
* Svend's [website]( and [blog](
-* [muammar's site](
* [Per Bothner's blog](
* [Bernd Zeimetz (bzed)](
* [Gaudenz Steinlin](
* [L'Altro Wiki]( Tutorials, reviews, miscellaneus articles in English and Italian.
* gregoa's [p.r. - political rants](
* [Michael Hammer](
-* [Richardson Family Wiki]( A wiki, blog or some such nonsense for the family home page or something or other... I will eventually move the rest of my sites to ikiwiki. The source of the site is in git.
* [The personal website of Andrew Back](
* [Paul Elms]( Personal site and blog in russian.
* [Salient Dream]( - All Things Strange.
* [Puckspage]( ) Political and personal blog in German. The name comes from the elf out of midsummer nights dream.
* [[LucaCapello]]'s [homepage](
* [[Martín Ferrari's homepage|]] and [[blog|]]
-* [WikiAtoBR]( Open, free and annoymous wiki. No need for account registering and login. It is Brazilian so it is in Portuguese.
-* [Manifesto]( Open, free and annoymous blog. No need for account registering and login. It is Brazilian so it is in Portuguese.
* [Z is for Zombies]( — personal blog/site of Francesca Ciceri
* Julien Lefrique's [homepage](, hosted on [GitHub pages]( with CGI disabled
* [Anarcat's homepage]( - with a custom [[theme|theme_market]]
* [Julian Andres Klode's blog](
* [KheOps's blog](
* [Stig Sandbeck Mathisen]( - Personal site and blog, with a bootstrap theme, and varnish frontend.
-* Kalle Söderman: [Seen Architecture](, [Stockholm Project]( - Mainly -image galleries using the album and osm plugins with a customized html5 theme.
+* Kalle Söderman: [Seen Architecture](, [Stockholm Project]( - Mainly -image galleries using the album and osm plugins with a customized html5 theme.
+* James Richardson's [wiki](, [blog](, and online [resume](
+* [Amitai Schleier's site](
+* [[spalax]]'s [professional website](
+* [Aloodo Blog](
+* Ninguém tem blog! - Restricted ikiwiki hosting
+ * [Dissertos radicais](
+ * [E pelas praças não terá nome](
+ * [Igreja Universal do Reino do Iuri](
+ * [Mim](
+* [Mídia Capoeira]( - independent journalism initiative
+* [Sean Whitton's personal website](
+* [Matto's personal website](
+* [Rob Sayers' personal website](
+* [Svetlana Tkachenko's personal website]( - personal site, no blog