+### urlto -> index
+$msgprefix="urlto (po_link_to=current)";
+is(urlto('', 'index'), './index.en.html', "$msgprefix index -> ''");
+is(urlto('', 'nontranslatable'), '../index.en.html', "$msgprefix nontranslatable -> ''");
+is(urlto('', 'translatable.fr'), '../index.fr.html', "$msgprefix translatable.fr -> ''");
+# when asking for a semi-absolute or absolute URL, we can't know what the
+# current language is, so for translatable pages we use the master language
+is(urlto('nontranslatable'), '/nontranslatable/', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> nontranslatable");
+is(urlto('translatable'), '/translatable/index.en.html', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> translatable");
+is(urlto('nontranslatable', undef, 1), 'http://example.com/nontranslatable/', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> nontranslatable");
+is(urlto('index', undef, 1), 'http://example.com/index.en.html', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> index");
+is(urlto('', undef, 1), 'http://example.com/index.en.html', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> ''");
+# FIXME: should these three produce the negotiatable URL instead of the master
+# language?
+is(urlto(''), '/index.en.html', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> ''");
+is(urlto('index'), '/index.en.html', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> index");
+is(urlto('translatable', undef, 1), 'http://example.com/translatable/index.en.html', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> translatable");
+$msgprefix="urlto (po_link_to=negotiated)";
+is(urlto('', 'index'), './', "$msgprefix index -> ''");
+is(urlto('', 'nontranslatable'), '../', "$msgprefix nontranslatable -> ''");
+is(urlto('', 'translatable.fr'), '../', "$msgprefix translatable.fr -> ''");
+is(urlto('nontranslatable'), '/nontranslatable/', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> nontranslatable");
+is(urlto('translatable'), '/translatable/', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> translatable");
+is(urlto(''), '/', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> ''");
+is(urlto('index'), '/', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> index");
+is(urlto('nontranslatable', undef, 1), 'http://example.com/nontranslatable/', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> nontranslatable");
+is(urlto('translatable', undef, 1), 'http://example.com/translatable/', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> translatable");
+is(urlto('index', undef, 1), 'http://example.com/', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> index");
+is(urlto('', undef, 1), 'http://example.com/', "$msgprefix 1-arg -> ''");