+> All I can tell you is that it looks like a problem with your C library or
+> perl. Little perl programs like ikiwiki should only be able to trigger
+> such bugs, not contain them. :-) Sorry I can't be of more help.
+> --[[Joey]]
+> I had a similar problem after upgrading to the latest version of
+> Text::Markdown from CPAN. You might try either looking for a Markdown
+> package for CentOS or using the latest version of John Gruber's
+> Markdown.pl:
+> <http://daringfireball.net/projects/downloads/Markdown_1.0.2b8.tbz>
+> --[[JasonBlevins]], April 1, 2008 18:22 EDT
+>> Unfortunately I couldn't find a CentOS package for markdown, and I
+>> couldn't quite figure out how to use John Gruber's version instead.
+>> I tried copying it to site_perl, etc., but the build doesn't pick
+>> it up. For now I can just play with it on my Ubuntu laptop for which
+>> the debian package installed flawlessly. I'll probably wait for an
+>> updated version of Markdown to see if this is fixed in the future.
+>> --Monty
+>I suggest that you pull an older version of Text::Markdown from CPAN. I am using <http://backpan.perl.org/authors/id/B/BO/BOBTFISH/Text-Markdown-1.0.5.tar.gz> and that works just fine.
+>There is a step change in version and size between this version (dated 11Jan2008) and the next version (1.0.12 dated 18Feb2008). I shall have a little look to see why, in due course.
+>Ubuntu Hardy Heron has a debian package now, but that does not work either.
+> --Dirk 22Apr2008