- like theme, so it may provide a consistent look'n feel along with the [[git]] backend. ;-)
- You can see it in action on [kirkambar](http://kirkambar.net/) (Turkish content).
- [[meta stylesheet="kirkambar"]]
-If your web browser allows selecting between multiple stylesheets, this
-page can be viewed using any of the stylesheets above. For example, if
-using Epiphany with the Select Stylesheet extention enabled, use View ->
-Style. In Firefox or Iceweasel, use View -> Page Style.
+ like theme, so it may provide a consistent look'n feel along with the [[rcs/git]] backend. ;-)
+ [[!meta stylesheet="kirkambar"]]
+* **[[css_market/embeddedmoose.css]]**, contributed by [[JoshTriplett]].
+ Designed for [Embedded Moose](http://embeddedmoose.com). Some ideas from the
+ Debian lighttpd index.html page.
+ [[!meta stylesheet="embeddedmoose"]]
+* **[[02_Template.css]]**, contributed and adapted by [maxx](http://martin.wuertele.net/), [original](http://www.openwebdesign.org/viewdesign.phtml?id=3057)
+ designed by [jarico](http://www.openwebdesign.org/userinfo.phtml?user=jcarico)
+ (License: public domain). You'll need a modified page.tmpl
+ **[[css_market/02_Template.tmpl]]**. If you prefer
+ [my header image](http://martin.wuertele.net/images/header.png) you can
+ use it under the terms of the MIT License (see png comment).
+ [[!meta stylesheet="02_Template"]]
+* **[[css_market/cstamas.css]]**, contributed by [[cstamas]].
+ This one is based on embeddedmoose, however it is slightly different now.
+ [My webpage's](http://users.itk.ppke.hu/~cstamas/tag/english) is not the same.
+ You can grab some pictures used as background patterns from there.
+ [[!meta stylesheet="cstamas"]]
+* ** http://blog.lastlog.de/, contributed by joachim schiele; please feel free to copy.
+* **[wiki.css](http://cyborginstitute.net/includes/wiki.css)** by [[tychoish]].
+ I typically throw this in as `local.css` in new wikis as a slightly more clear and readable
+ layout for wikis that need to be functional and elegant, but not necessarily uniquely designed.
+ Currently in use by the [the outeralliance wiki](http://oa.criticalfutures.com/).
+* **[ikiwiked gray-green](https://github.com/AntPortal/ikiwiked/raw/master/theme/gray-green/local.css)**, contributed by [Danny Castonguay](https://antportal.com/).
+* **[ikiwiked gray-orange](https://github.com/AntPortal/ikiwiked/raw/master/theme/gray-orange/local.css)**, contributed by [Danny Castonguay](https://antportal.com/). Can be seen in action at [antportal.com/wiki](https://antportal.com/wiki/). Feel free to modify and contribute on [Github](https://github.com/AntPortal/ikiwiked)