use IkiWiki;
use open qw{:utf8 :std};
-# There can be multiple modules, with different configuration styles.
-# The setup modules each convert the data into the hashes used by ikiwiki
-# internally (if it's not already in that format), and store it in
-# IkiWiki::Setup::$raw_setup, to pass it back to this module.
-our $raw_setup;
sub load ($) { # {{{
my $setup=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(shift);
delete $config{setup};
eval $code;
error("$setup: ".$@) if $@;
+} #}}}
- my %setup=%{$raw_setup};
- $raw_setup=undef;
+sub merge ($) {
+ my %setup=%{shift()};
# Merge setup into existing config and untaint.
if (exists $setup{add_plugins}) {
- if (exists $config{cgi_wrapper}) {
+ if (length $config{cgi_wrapper}) {
push @{$config{wrappers}}, {
cgi => 1,
wrapper => $config{cgi_wrapper},