* [The Open TV White Space Project](http://opentvws.org)
* [The RS-232 Club](http://rs232club.org)
* [FusionInventory project](http://www.fusioninventory.org)
+* FabLab Deventer i.o.
Personal sites and blogs
* [Marco Silva](http://marcot.eti.br/) a weblog + wiki using the [darcs](http://darcs.net) backend
* [NeX-6](http://nex-6.taht.net/) ikiwiki blog and wiki running over ipv6
* [Jason Riedy](http://lovesgoodfood.com/jason/), which may occasionally look funny if I'm playing with my branch...
-* [pmate](http://pmate.nfshost.com)'s homepage and [blog](http://pmate.nfshost.com/blog/)
+* [pmate](http://www.gnurant.org)'s homepage and [blog](http://www.gnurant.org/blog/)
* [tychoish.com](http://tychoish.com/) - a blog/wiki mashup. blog posts are "rhizomes."
* [Martin Burmester](http://www.martin-burmester.de/)
* [Øyvind A. Holm (sunny256)](http://www.sunbase.org) — Read my Ikiwiki praise [here](http://www.sunbase.org/blog/why_ikiwiki/).
* [Puckspage]( http://www.puckspage.org/ ) Political and personal blog in German. The name comes from the elf out of midsummer nights dream.
* [[LucaCapello]]'s [homepage](http://luca.pca.it)
* [[Martín Ferrari's homepage|http://tincho.org/]] and [[blog|http://blog.tincho.org/]]
+* [WikiAtoBR](http://wiki.hi.ato.br) Open, free and annoymous wiki. No need for account registering and login. It is Brazilian so it is in Portuguese.
+* [Manifesto](http://manifesto.hi.ato.br) Open, free and annoymous blog. No need for account registering and login. It is Brazilian so it is in Portuguese.
+ * [Z is for Zombies](http://blog.zouish.org/) — personal blog/site of Francesca Ciceri