Note that for more formal bug reports or todo items, you can also edit the
[[bugs]] and [[todo]] pages.
+# OpenID
+I just figured I'd edit something on the page with my OpenID, since you've implemented it! --*[Kyle](*=
+> Kyle, If you like openid, I can switch your personal wiki over to use your openid. --[[Joey]]
the template. -- Ethan
> That's already available in the BASEURL parameter. --[[Joey]]
+# Canonical feed location?
+Any way to use `inline` but point the feed links to a different feed on the
+same site? I have news in news/*, a news archive in news.mdwn, and the
+first few news items on index.mdwn, but I don't really want two separate
+feeds, one with all news and one with the latest few articles; I'd rather
+point the RSS feed links of both to the same feed. (Which one, the one
+with all news or the one with the latest news only, I don't know yet.)
+> Not currently. It could be implemented, or you could just turn off the
+> rss feed for the index page, and manually put in a wikilink to the news
+> page and rss feed. --[[Joey]]
+>> That wouldn't use the same style for the RSS and Atom links, and it
+>> wouldn't embed the feed link into `<head>` so that browsers can automatically
+>> find it.
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