seems like it could be beneficial to have it rendered in the post-commit
hook, just like everything else in the wiki.
- I hope to statically generate it eventually, currently the problem is
- that it takes at least several seconds to generate the recentchanges
- page, and adding several seconds to every page edit is not desiriable. If
- the time can be reduced it could be done, I'm also not adverse to
- adding an optional way to statically render it even at the current speed.
+ > I hope to statically generate it eventually, currently the problem is
+ > that it takes at least several seconds to generate the recentchanges
+ > page, and adding several seconds to every page edit is not desiriable. If
+ > the time can be reduced it could be done, I'm also not adverse to
+ > adding an optional way to statically render it even at the current
+ > speed. --[[Joey]]
* Also, is it planned/desired that recent changes generate the same
information in RSS feed format? This seems like it could be a useful way
to keep track of the wiki as a whole.
- This is used by various interwiki type things, I think, so should be
- done..
+ > This is used by various interwiki type things, I think, so should be
+ > done.. --[[Joey]]
* Lastly, would it be possible to use the recent changes code with a
pagespec? I understand this sort of infringes on territory covered by the
once, when it's created, and I imagine some people -- some deranged,
obsessive-compulsive people like myself -- would like to know about the
changes made to existing pages as well as newly-created pages.
+ > That would work rather well for pages like [[todo]] and [[bugs]], where
+ > you want to know about any updates, not just initial
+ > creation. --[[JoshTriplett]]
+ > Of course you can use email subscriptions for that too.. --[[Joey]]