my $template=template($feedtype."page.tmpl", blind_cache => 1);
- title => $config{wikiname},
+ title => $page ne "index" ? pagetitle($page) : $config{wikiname},
wikiname => $config{wikiname},
pageurl => $url,
content => $content,
+ # TODO: daemonize here so slow pings don't slow down wiki updates
foreach my $page (keys %toping) {
my $title=pagetitle(basename($page));
my $url="$config{url}/".htmlpage($page);
foreach my $pingurl (@{$config{pingurl}}) {
- my $client = RPC::XML::Client->new($pingurl);
- my $req = RPC::XML::request->new('',
- $title, $url);
debug("Pinging $pingurl for $page");
- my $res = $client->send_request($req);
- if (! ref $res) {
- debug("Did not receive response to ping");
- }
- my $r=$res->value;
- if (! exists $r->{flerror} || $r->{flerror}) {
- debug("Ping rejected: ".(exists $r->{message} ? $r->{message} : "[unknown reason]"));
+ eval {
+ my $client = RPC::XML::Client->new($pingurl);
+ my $req = RPC::XML::request->new('',
+ $title, $url);
+ my $res = $client->send_request($req);
+ if (! ref $res) {
+ debug("Did not receive response to ping");
+ }
+ my $r=$res->value;
+ if (! exists $r->{flerror} || $r->{flerror}) {
+ debug("Ping rejected: ".(exists $r->{message} ? $r->{message} : "[unknown reason]"));
+ }
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ debug "Ping failed: $@";