## Plugins
These plugins are experimental. Use them at your own risk. Read the
-perldoc documentation for more details.
+perldoc documentation for more details. Patches and suggestions are
* [mdwn_itex][] - Works with the `mdwn` plugin to convert inline LaTeX
expressions to MathML using `itex2MML`.
* [h1title][] - If present, use the leading level 1 Markdown header to
set the page title and remove it from the page body.
+ * [code][] - Whole file and inline code snippet syntax highlighting
+ via GNU Source-highlight. The list of supported file extensions is
+ configurable. There is also some preliminary [documentation][code-doc].
+ See the [FortranWiki](http://fortranwiki.org) for examples.
+ * [metamail][] - a plugin for loading metadata from email-style
+ headers at top of a file (e.g., `title: Page Title` or
+ `date: November 2, 2008 11:14 EST`).
+ * [pandoc][] - Markdown page processing via [Pandoc](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/) (a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another). LaTeX and
+ reStructuredText are optional.
+ * [path][] - Provides path-specific template conditionals such as
+ [mdwn_itex]: http://code.jblevins.org/ikiwiki/plugins.git/plain/mdwn_itex.pm
+ [h1title]: http://code.jblevins.org/ikiwiki/plugins.git/plain/h1title.pm
+ [code]: http://code.jblevins.org/ikiwiki/plugins.git/plain/code.pm
+ [code-doc]: http://code.jblevins.org/ikiwiki/plugins.git/plain/code.text
+ [metamail]: http://code.jblevins.org/ikiwiki/plugins.git/plain/metamail.pm
+ [pandoc]: http://code.jblevins.org/ikiwiki/plugins.git/plain/pandoc.pm
+ [path]: http://code.jblevins.org/ikiwiki/plugins.git/plain/path.pm
## MathML and SVG support
So far, I've made some notes on sanitizing MathML and SVG via
[template-patch]: http://xbeta.org/gitweb/?p=xbeta/ikiwiki.git;a=blobdiff;f=templates/page.tmpl;h=380ef699fa72223744eb5c1ee655fb79aa6bce5b;hp=9084ba7e11e92a10528b2ab12c9b73cf7b0f40a7;hb=416d5d1b15b94e604442e4e209a30dee4b77b684;hpb=ececf4fb8766a4ff7eff943b3ef600be81a0df49
[cgi-patch]: http://xbeta.org/gitweb/?p=xbeta/ikiwiki.git;a=commitdiff;h=fa538c375250ab08f396634135f7d79fce2a9d36
- [mdwn_itex]: http://code.jblevins.org/ikiwiki/plugins/mdwn_itex.pm
- [h1title]: http://code.jblevins.org/ikiwiki/plugins/h1title.pm