+per access. It would also be simpler than [[plugins/contrib/signinview]] by
+leaving it as the `http` server's responsibility to generate the proper headers
+and serve the content.
+Caching proxies are already supposed to avoid caching any response to a request
+that included an `Authorization` header. For some ikiwiki-supported auth methods,
+that header might not be needed in the request, and care may be needed to configure
+the server to emit other necessary response headers to discourage caching of
+content from a private zone.
+*Drawbacks:* Not yet implemented, someone would have to do it.
+It's not clear [[what code changes fastcgi|todo/fastcgi or modperl installation instructions]]
+would require in ikiwiki. An Authorizer seems like a good place to start because of its
+limited, simple functionality--but as it could make use of any ikiwiki-supported auth method,
+evaluate `PageSpec`s, and the like, it could still run a non-trivial amount of the code.