+-- [[Louis|spalax]]
+> Hello,
+> do not accept my patch: it is an ugly hack that works for me, but its too narrow to be merged in IkiWiki:
+> - it assumes the [[ikiwiki/directive/pagestats]] directive only deals with tags, which is wrong;
+> - such a feature (allowing displaying tags using their title), if enabled, should be enabled for the [[plugins/tag]] plugin (and maybe other plugins [[I have in mind|users/spalax]]) as well.
+> I cannot manage to find a solution to my problem that suits me.
+> # My problem
+> On two sites I maintain using IkiWiki, I have tags that:
+> - have special characters in it (like [[·|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpunct]]) that generate ugly URLs;
+> - have subtags (e.g. `math/calculus`, `math/algebra`, `physics/mechanic` etc.).
+> That is, having [[ikiwiki/directive/taglink]] or [[ikiwiki/directive/pagestats]] displaying tags using the pagename (that is something derived from the basename of the URL) is not sufficient for me. I would like to be able to display them using their title, their full name (from the `tagbase` parameter), or both.
+> # Solution?
+> A solution would be to provide a `tagtext` config option, set to one of `page` (use pagename), `title` (use [[ikiwiki/directive/meta]] title), `path` (use path, since the tagbase), `pathtitle` (use path, and use title for each of the subtags); or a boolean `display_tagtitle` and `display_tagpath`, which would handle the way tags are displayed.
+> I see at least two drawbacks to this solution:
+> - I do not know what would be the default of these options, not to break backward compatibility: [[ikiwiki/directive/taglink]] would suggest `page`, whereas the footer would suggest `path`.
+> - The [[ikiwiki/directive/pagestats]] directive would need an optional boolean parameter `tag`, to specify whether to use these options or not.
+> # *My* problem ?
+> I actually wonder if someone else also have this problem: as far as I can see on other sites using IkiWiki and tags, I would not be surprised if others are satisfyed with the current way tags are displayed: I do not remember having seen subtags, or tags in non-English language with weird characters in them.
+> So, I wonder whether this discussion would benefit IkiWiki, or if I should just go on with my hack (or maybe a plugin, but I think it would be quite difficult to do, given that the very same function is used to display tags and to uniquely identify them).
+> -- [[Louis|spalax]]
+I eventually managed to get something that suits me, for the problem described above (I want [[ikiwiki/directive/pagestats]] directive to display [[title|ikiwiki/directive/meta]] rather than page name).
+Here is a [[patch]] that adds an option `disp` for the [[ikiwiki/directive/pagestats]], acting exactly the same as option `show` for the [[ikiwiki/directive/map]] directive (but parameter `show` was already used for something else). That is, if one wants its tags displayed using their [[title|ikiwiki/directive/meta]] rather than their page name, she can use param `disp`, is in:
+ \[[!pagestats pages="tags/*" disp=title]]
+[[!toggle id=patch text="Patch"]]
+[[!toggleable id=patch text="""
+ diff --git a/IkiWiki/Plugin/pagestats.pm b/IkiWiki/Plugin/pagestats.pm
+ index 17b26f7..8a5e100 100644
+ --- a/IkiWiki/Plugin/pagestats.pm
+ +++ b/IkiWiki/Plugin/pagestats.pm
+ @@ -31,6 +31,19 @@ sub getsetup () {
+ },
+ }
+ +sub linktext ($%) {
+ + # Return the text of the link to a tag, depending on option linktext.
+ + my ($page, %params) = @_;
+ + if (exists $params{disp} &&
+ + exists $pagestate{$page} &&
+ + exists $pagestate{$page}{meta}{$params{disp}}) {
+ + return $pagestate{$page}{meta}{$params{disp}};
+ + }
+ + else {
+ + return undef;
+ + }
+ +}
+ +
+ sub preprocess (@) {
+ my %params=@_;
+ $params{pages}="*" unless defined $params{pages};
+ @@ -78,7 +91,7 @@ sub preprocess (@) {
+ return "<table class='".(exists $params{class} ? $params{class} : "pageStats")."'>\n".
+ join("\n", map {
+ "<tr><td>".
+ - htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $_, noimageinline => 1).
+ + htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $_, noimageinline => 1, linktext => linktext($_, %params)).
+ "</td><td>".$counts{$_}."</td></tr>"
+ }
+ sort { $counts{$b} <=> $counts{$a} } keys %counts).
+ @@ -101,7 +114,7 @@ sub preprocess (@) {
+ $res.="<li>" if $style eq 'list';
+ $res .= "<span class=\"$class\">".
+ - htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $page).
+ + htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $page, linktext => linktext($page, %params)).
+ "</span>\n";
+ $res.="</li>" if $style eq 'list';