-# Ikiwiki setup files are perl files that 'use IkiWiki::Setup::foo',
-# passing it some sort of configuration data.
+# Ikiwiki setup files can be perl files that 'use IkiWiki::Setup::foo',
+# passing it some sort of configuration data. Or, they can contain
+# the module name at the top, without the 'use', and the whole file is
+# then fed into that module.
package IkiWiki::Setup;
use open qw{:utf8 :std};
use File::Spec;
-sub load ($) {
- my $setup=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(shift);
- $config{setupfile}=File::Spec->rel2abs($setup);
+sub load ($;$) {
+ my $file=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(shift);
+ my $safemode=shift;
+ $config{setupfile}=File::Spec->rel2abs($file);
#translators: The first parameter is a filename, and the second
#translators: is a (probably not translated) error message.
- open (IN, $setup) || error(sprintf(gettext("cannot read %s: %s"), $setup, $!));
- my $code;
+ open (IN, $file) || error(sprintf(gettext("cannot read %s: %s"), $file, $!));
+ my $content;
local $/=undef;
- $code=<IN>;
+ $content=<IN> || error("$file: $!");
- ($code)=$code=~/(.*)/s;
close IN;
- eval $code;
- error("$setup: ".$@) if $@;
+ if ($content=~/(use\s+)?IkiWiki::Setup::(\w+)/) {
+ $config{setuptype}=$2;
+ if ($1) {
+ error sprintf(gettext("cannot load %s in safe mode"), $file)
+ if $safemode;
+ eval IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($content);
+ error("$file: ".$@) if $@;
+ }
+ else {
+ eval qq{require IkiWiki::Setup::$config{setuptype}};
+ error $@ if $@;
+ "IkiWiki::Setup::$config{setuptype}"->loaddump(IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($content));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error sprintf(gettext("failed to parse %s"), $file);
+ }
+sub dump ($) {
+ my $file=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(shift);
+ eval qq{require IkiWiki::Setup::$config{setuptype}};
+ error $@ if $@;
+ my @dump="IkiWiki::Setup::$config{setuptype}"->gendump(
+ "Setup file for ikiwiki.",
+ "",
+ "Passing this to ikiwiki --setup will make ikiwiki generate",
+ "wrappers and build the wiki.",
+ "",
+ "Remember to re-run ikiwiki --setup any time you edit this file.",
+ );
+ open (OUT, ">", $file) || die "$file: $!";
+ print OUT "$_\n" foreach @dump;
+ close OUT;
sub merge ($) {
sub getsetup () {
# Gets all available setup data from all plugins. Returns an
# ordered list of [plugin, setup] pairs.
- my @ret;
# disable logging to syslog while dumping, broken plugins may
# whine when loaded
# Load all plugins, so that all setup options are available.
- my @plugins=grep { $_ ne $config{rcs} } sort(IkiWiki::listplugins());
- unshift @plugins, $config{rcs} if $config{rcs}; # rcs plugin 1st
+ my @plugins=IkiWiki::listplugins();
foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
eval { IkiWiki::loadplugin($plugin) };
if (exists $IkiWiki::hooks{checkconfig}{$plugin}{call}) {
my @s=eval { $IkiWiki::hooks{checkconfig}{$plugin}{call}->() };
+ my %sections;
foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
if (exists $IkiWiki::hooks{getsetup}{$plugin}{call}) {
# use an array rather than a hash, to preserve order
my @s=eval { $IkiWiki::hooks{getsetup}{$plugin}{call}->() };
next unless @s;
- push @ret, [ $plugin, \@s ],
+ # set default section value (note use of shared
+ # hashref between array and hash)
+ my %s=@s;
+ if (! exists $s{plugin} || ! $s{plugin}->{section}) {
+ $s{plugin}->{section}="other";
+ }
+ # only the selected rcs plugin is included
+ if ($config{rcs} && $plugin eq $config{rcs}) {
+ $s{plugin}->{section}="core";
+ }
+ elsif ($s{plugin}->{section} eq "rcs") {
+ next;
+ }
+ push @{$sections{$s{plugin}->{section}}}, [ $plugin, \@s ];
- return @ret;
+ return map { sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @{$sections{$_}} }
+ sort { # core first, other last, otherwise alphabetical
+ ($b eq "core") <=> ($a eq "core")
+ ||
+ ($a eq "other") <=> ($b eq "other")
+ ||
+ $a cmp $b
+ } keys %sections;
-sub dump ($) {
- my $file=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(shift);
+sub commented_dump ($$) {
+ my $dumpline=shift;
+ my $indent=shift;
+ my %setup=(%config);
+ my @ret;
- require IkiWiki::Setup::Standard;
- my @dump=IkiWiki::Setup::Standard::gendump("Setup file for ikiwiki.");
+ # disable logging to syslog while dumping
+ $config{syslog}=undef;
- open (OUT, ">", $file) || die "$file: $!";
- print OUT "$_\n" foreach @dump;
- close OUT;
+ eval q{use Text::Wrap};
+ die $@ if $@;
+ my %section_plugins;
+ push @ret, commented_dumpvalues($dumpline, $indent, \%setup, IkiWiki::getsetup());
+ foreach my $pair (IkiWiki::Setup::getsetup()) {
+ my $plugin=$pair->[0];
+ my $setup=$pair->[1];
+ my %s=@{$setup};
+ my $section=$s{plugin}->{section};
+ push @{$section_plugins{$section}}, $plugin;
+ if (@{$section_plugins{$section}} == 1) {
+ push @ret, "", $indent.("#" x 70), "$indent# $section plugins",
+ sub {
+ wrap("$indent# (", "$indent# ",
+ join(", ", @{$section_plugins{$section}})).")"
+ },
+ $indent.("#" x 70);
+ }
+ my @values=commented_dumpvalues($dumpline, $indent, \%setup, @{$setup});
+ if (@values) {
+ push @ret, "", "$indent# $plugin plugin", @values;
+ }
+ }
+ return map { ref $_ ? $_->() : $_ } @ret;
+sub commented_dumpvalues ($$$@) {
+ my $dumpline=shift;
+ my $indent=shift;
+ my $setup=shift;
+ my @ret;
+ while (@_) {
+ my $key=shift;
+ my %info=%{shift()};
+ next if $key eq "plugin" || $info{type} eq "internal";
+ push @ret, "$indent# ".$info{description} if exists $info{description};
+ if (exists $setup->{$key} && defined $setup->{$key}) {
+ push @ret, $dumpline->($key, $setup->{$key}, $info{type}, "");
+ delete $setup->{$key};
+ }
+ elsif (exists $info{example}) {
+ push @ret, $dumpline->($key, $info{example}, $info{type}, "#");
+ }
+ else {
+ push @ret, $dumpline->($key, "", $info{type}, "#");
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret;