-User contributed stylesheet files for ikiwiki. Feel free to add your own
-stylesheets here. (Upload as wiki pages; wiki gnomes will convert them to css
+User contributed stylesheet files for ikiwiki. Unless otherwise noted,
+these style sheets can be installed by copying them into your wiki's source
+dir with a filename of `local.css`.
+Some of stylesheets have developed into fullfledged [[themes]] that are
+included in ikiwiki for easy use.
+Feel free to add your own stylesheets here. (Upload as wiki pages; wiki
+gnomes will convert them to css files..)
+* **[lessish.css](https://raw.github.com/spiffin/ikiwiki_lessish/master/lessish.css)**, contributed by [[Spiffin]],
+ A responsive stylesheet based on the [Less CSS Framework](http://lessframework.com).
+ [Preview](https://github.com/spiffin/ikiwiki_lessish/blob/master/lessish_preview.png) - [GitHub repo](https://github.com/spiffin/ikiwiki_lessish)
+ [[!meta stylesheet="lessish"]]