-* **[blankoblues.css][1]**, contributed by [[Blanko]]. Can be seen on [Blankoblues Demo][2]. Local.css and templates available [here][3].
-* **[contraste.css][4]**, contributed by [[Blanko]]. Can be seen on [Contraste Demo][5]. Local.css and templates available [here][6].
-* **[[actiontabs.css]]**, contributed by [[svend]]. This style sheet displays
- the action list (Edit, RecentChanges, etc.) as tabs.
- [[!meta stylesheet="actiontabs"]]
-If your web browser allows selecting between multiple stylesheets, this
-page can be viewed using many of the stylesheets above. For example, if
-using Epiphany with the Select Stylesheet extension enabled, use View ->
-Style. In Firefox or Iceweasel, use View -> Page Style.
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